Bring Back Triple Crown

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ProviingAPoint, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. Triple Crown

    For many of those who don't know triple crown was a spell awarded to warriors during Season 5 of the Estoc Trial wars. The spell didn't have any bonuses but it gave the warrior a golden colour that would show his talent and greatness in wars. It would be awarded if a warrior would get top 3 in koes,plunder and actions(on both the teams). So my suggestion is why not bring back the spell?
    The spell would last for 3 days in total and would also provide bonuses such as 10%Extra mith return drop rate and 10% extra plunder bonus from ebs.After the expire of the spell the warrior would once again have to work to get it.

    -It would increase war participation.
    -People will recive extra mith to get their S5 equips(lmao).
    -Would be a nice change to the community and the warring system as people are getting a bit bored with the regular wars.

    -It would bring a rage among eb fairies that warriors will get extra benefits on plunder but honestly 10% doesn't make much differnce and afterall the fairies can war too(individual wars).

    This is an open thread to any comments,give your valuable feedback.Thank You.
  2. No. It will encourage going rogue, not tanking, xtaling on your own accord, etc...
  3. But don't people do that now too? To get 500 or 600 event items or war items?
  4. Not as much as this would cause. A lot of times, the lb in war events are the WCs themselves
  5. Not quite. Most of the actual WC put clan first for a win. I've seen WC be in the lower area just because they're busy focusing on the war instead of their plunder.
  6. True.
  7. No support . If it doesn't give benefits to where it was only supposed to be used (s5) than why should it give benefits now to those who maybe just do one war every other day compared to 2-4 a day ?
  8. Naw bro we need fairy wings, the more hte we do the sparklier they get.
  9. But extra 10% gold in hte will look great lmao.
  10. With that ^ an even bigger NO SUPORT . Again . Why should it give benefits now and not when it actually was first put into play?
  11. It gives benefits both to warriors and eb fairies...
  12. I didn't ask who it gave benefits too. I didn't put in 3 wars a day for s5 to get it for no benefits and now it's open to anyone who can just do good in one war? No support
  13. This is a dumb idea, it was a cool feature during season wars that's it
  14. @Mink
    But as stated the spell expires after 2-3 days so the warrior would have to work again towards it.
  15. But again . No benefits when it actually meant something during something than why should it have benefits for getting it in one good war ? Answer the question I've been asking op
  16. 10% bonus doesn't make that much of a difference but obviously this will increase war participation.that is the point i've been trying to prove.
  17. My point is . If it doesn't give a bonus like it didn't in the actual season of wars it was used in than it shouldn't now . No bonus = 100% support
  18. I support this as long as it doesn't affect war drops. Extra drops for triple crown was dumb.