what are your 3 favourite tv series of all time?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by SkinnyMinny, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. Hello. I'm going to post my three favourite tv series.

    These are the shows that for me are timeless and I can watch anytime.

    What are your 3 favourite tv series ?

    Only post 3.

    Star Trek next generation
  2. Game of Thrones(Books are better)
    Breaking Bad
    Blackadder (All of them)
  3. TNG I like...

    but Firefly is #1 no contest.

    2 and 3 will be between Parks and Rec and Scrubs (not the last season)
  4. Summer Heights Heigh
    Making a Murderer (I guess it's a doco but still)
  5. Dexter
    And Original teen titans
  6. Dexters gay
  7. Ncis
    Celebrity Juice
    A League Of Their Own
  8. Ok I can do this, just 3 shows.


    Invader Zim

    Dark Matter
  9. Seinfeld,Supernatural,Trailer Park Boys
  10. Fringe was awesome! (And filmed here in Vancouver)
  11. 3 ain't enough.

    Breaking bad
    Person of Interest
    Marco Polo
    The inbetweeners
    Band of Brothers
    The Pacific
    The 100
    Sons of Anarchy
    And many many more.
  12. Well duh Vancouver and the surrounding lower mainland is quite a sight to behold, saw them filming Green Hornet years ago downtown at like 3am.
  13. DBZ
    Game of Thrones
  14. Kaw community always reads threads about movies or TV, probably to try and get ideas for something to watch...
  15. Pleas stick to 3. That's the aim of really thinking back throughout your life of the Tv series that never get old for you personally
  16. My kaw dream is achieved by having kaw_community quote me.
  17. Fine 3 hmmm...

    Person of Interest
    Sons of Anarchy
    Breaking bad

    They are probably the ones I enjoyed most.
  18. Doctor who
    The Flash (new series)

    This is too tough to pick just 3... There's probably 20 others I like just as much as these >.<
  19. Babylon 5
    Game of thrones
    Avatar the last air bender

  20. Forgot to mention Toronto....

    Top Gear
    South Park