Are you still obsessed with me Boba. You're as cute as Frog. Thing is he has 75 members last night so it was a pretty successful clan. Anywho, do you want me to call you later on so you can check up on me again?
Totally obsessive over you, that's why I mentioned another person in my post, yup just focused on you.
Oh no you just were concerned about my WC posts earlier and now here you are again, trying to make me feel good about myself. It's okay, I don't need your support or love.
Concerned or pointing out you just flap your lips a lot? I'm going to lean towards the latter. I talk quite a bit when I choose to, but not as much or as stupid as your comments; you need your own book. We can call it "Diary/War Journal of a try hard troll" I see it being on Oprah's book club.
Why would I care for what a towered pure spy thinks about me? Only seen you recently in the last 8 months in forums, I just don't have the need to advertise my activities in forums as I'm not a noob nor need or want your validation.
Why would I need my own book if you think I talk to much. I mean it was a nice try at a cool, witty insult but it really doesn't make much sense. Give it another crack, junior. I'm ready.
What's wrong with being towered? Normally only the idiots are not towered. I'm a hansel, not a ps. Good for you, you saw me the last 8 months. Actually grow and you might be lucky enough to see me in other places than forums. I've seen you advertise your activities on forums a lot in the past, what was that about not seeking validation? So now that your entire post has been taken apart and proven just to be rambles of an idiot, do you have anything else to say?
If you talk a lot, why wouldn't you have your own book? It would just be another form of media to advertise yourself.
You came here to insult me and the other noob for no apparent reason, for something you have nothing to do with. Yeah you don't seek any validation. Keep trying to lift that self esteem!
I don't consider 300 attack to be a Hansel since it's meant to be dropped to go pure spy. Source? Only advertising I do is how much I enjoy ruffling feathers of this games peacocks. Yes return to my question of why I should care about the little voice in your head telling you your opinion.
Why would you suggest I write my own book when you complain/have a problem with me talking to much? It's okay, we all make moronic comments sometimes.
Why ask a question, your taking the time to reply. You obviously care about my opinion. And what "you consider" to be a hansel is irrelevant, I have hansel mechs so I'm a hansel. No point having ADT if I'm gonna go ps now is there?
I think we might be giving Boba too much attention. He might get the opinion he is actually relevant to someone. Whoops.