Don't call me a peasant, it hurts my feelings!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by W32SQLE_Anarchy, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. Please don't be so presumptuous, anarchy.

    I voted for soldier because the word peasant does not describe a full-time combatant of the middle/dark ages.

    Peasants were mostly out working the fields and such, not engaging in armed conflict.
  2. I think a more appropriate name instead of peasant would be poo jabber.
  3. [​IMG]
  4. I want to be a pheasant.
  5. I voted for peasant.
  6. Neither does soldier.
    The correct term was/is Vassal.
  7. You voted for peasant cause you got no banter.
  8. I didnt really care, but when i was browsing forums i came across a thread that asked me which i liked better. Solder sounded cooler than peasant.
  9. I'm a noob lol.
  10. Uhm.. I dont understand what apoc has to do with my post you quoted.

    Im not an apoc member if thats what you meant though.
  11. Hey over it and focus on the real issue at hand. .. THE NEW CLAN STRUCTURE SYSTEM US A CROCK!
    How about we rally for a boycott of the money grubbing devs and all stop playing ,and paying for 3-5 days?¿?
  12. I prefer "Cannon Fodder" over soldier or peasant.

    My two cents
  13. I think the name peasant should be replaced with lint licker
  14. Peasant lol
  15. Are you me?
  16. Which one is the real one? I cannot tell them apart.
  17. *facepalm* and you corrected me on my grammar earlier lol. "You got no banter"