Making a Murderer

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by FIGURE8, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. More info needed.
  2. Those reasons even state themselves saying they were thrown out of court.
  3. Also check out paradise lost another good one. About the west Memphis 3
  4. I love all of this after-the-fact info that comes out. We all know the shows directors left stuff out.

    Bottom line is.... Avery is an absolute idiot for not leaving the state he was trying to sue after his first criminal mistrial.

    I think he deserves to be put away for life bc he is a full blown moron.
  5. Then you're a dumbass and I hope next time the miscarriage of justice occurs in relation to a person like you.
  6. Please share the injustice...

    IMO he is innocent and the only mistake he made was that he stayed in town long enough to get into more trouble with the people who don't want to get sued.
  7. No one should expect or need to leave their place of residence, assuming they will be targeted by law enforcement. It's moronic to think that's reasonable or ethical.

    Nor would Steven Avery have had the money or resources to move somewhere else. Not that that is relevant, plenty of people sue major companies/organisations and don't get framed for murder by the police force.
  8. You can see why someone like Avery gets put away in America though. People like Willy and Atro think he is 'guilty'.

    To determine someone is guilty, there is supposed to be evidence beyond reasonable doubt.

    Whether or not the documentary was one sided is irrelevant, the amount of evidence that proves reasonable doubt is incredible.

    Anyone on the jury in that case is actually disgraceful, particularly given that 7 of them believed he was not-guilty to begin with, and were then swayed to a guilty verdict by a few stubborn individuals.
  9. Dude gross.
    Where's the tape though?
    For... Reasons.
  10. You know Forums are running slowly when you have to talk about some jerkbag no one will care about a week from now.
  11. I believe he's guilty beyond reasonable doubt, but that's me and my opinion.

    "People like Atropos and I" are in the majority. But, again, if you feel like he should be out walking the streets, that's you.
  12. You're not the majority as seen by the original count of 7 not guilty, and if you are then that's highly disappointing. Glad I don't live in America with their brilliant media coverage laws that allow someone to be called guilty of a crime before they even enter a trial, what a joke.
  13. For sure. Lol.

    The jury was full of people that already had him pinned b4 he could have a trial. Most of them knew him or knew of him and thought he was a creepy kid toucher so they pegged him as guilty right away.