The placement of this button is so strategically placed I often wonder if the devs put it there or an astrophysicist. Seriously though, it would be nice if the button could be moved up or down a slot in the Oracle. Too many times as I'm smashing the repeat action button, for some unknown reason, it will randomly send me straight to the Oracle and effectively waste a precious xstal it's very frustrating and annoying. And for all the smart ones out there, yes I know the button to visit the Oracle is beside the repeat button. I have consciously avoided the Oracle and it still happens.
Go into settings, top left corner of the main screen (gear icon) and disable the Oracle pop up option.
I did that and it's still there. Same situation happened last night. Luckily, I was out of xstals so I didn't waste any. Sad when you are relieved about not having xstals. Pretty ironic.
Have you tried tapping the repeat action button with your left thumb? Seems like common sense not to use an appendage that hovers over the button you don't want to press.
I have no idea what he's talking about.... The visit marketplace button is nowhere near the redeem xtal button, as you have to tap 2 more buttons after hitting marketplace
Boba-Fett yes I have, I'm naturally left handed so my finger never hovers over the 'visit Oracle' button. The option to disable Oracle pop-ups has, of course, been disabled. Even beforehand. I have recently wasted yet another xstal. Something should change.
I'm talking about when you're hitting an EB, the 'visit oracle' button. Smashing my LEFT thumb as far away from the button as possible, still randomly I will get shot into the oracle, a few button mashes behind. Results in using a xstal I never intended to use, simply because it happens to be in the same position as the repeat action button. I'm sick of wasting xstals.
This on android or something? Cuz I have to tap like 4 different things to oracle and xtal from hitting EB
It'd be nice not to have to press so many buttons trying to get to it. EE is pretty fast paced and trying to xtal and pressing 200000000 buttons to get there is a little annoying, especially when you're trying to specifically time them (ie, waving in advantage wars)
This is VEEEERY true, too. Damn, conflict of interests!!!! :? I really don't want to waste xtals by accident, :cry:!!!! (I THINK, it didn't happen to me yet, but there's always a first time). I think the faster solution for this would be having a direct access to the oracle in home screen for phones, as there is one in PIMD now (redeeming a dn in Pimd now it's a bit faster, I'm still slow there because my phone sucks and there's no Pimd pc). So yeah, this sounds like the better option. Pc already has a direct access to the oracle, phones need one, as well, .
Better idea! Create an option in settings for lefty flip. All it would do is switch where the attack - logs and repeat action- visit oracle button positions.