Favorite book and why

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by thekgbwaitsfornoone, Jan 16, 2016.

  1. Dune by Frank Herbert.
    Best book ever. Depth of characters, incredible symbolism, and awesome plot.
  2. I heard he's working on another book in the series
  3. I like the hungry Caterpillar...
  4. The unwind series.
  5. can we put our favorite erotic magazines and discuss them aswell?
  6. Catcher in the Rye. Holden was a spoiled little turd, yet every teenager was like, "that's so me!" Every high school kid in AmLit identifies with a turd who had a nervous breakdown haha
  7. The eagle series previously discussed is decent
    I've read a lot of books, but the Harry Potter series is original and quite immersive, as every book should be :p
  8. When you guys say inheritance, are you meaning eragon, eldest, etc? Or something else entirely?
  9. The Princess Bride- great adventure with good humor
  10. Mortal Engines series were the only books I've enjoyed reading
  11. The dark tower series also the wheel of time both great reads and would recommend
  12. George Washington's Secret Six... I love history.
  13. I love the asoiaf series. Way better than the show adaptation.
  14. Asoiaf, awesome setting, awesome characters, awesome plots.

    Also dragons...
  15. Lolita because... google it...
  16. Yes! He wrote the screenplay for the movie I think as well
  17. Newt Gingrich's civil war and American revolution series' were good as well
  18. The Bible, because I prefer to avoid the more painful realities of life and bury myself in fairyland instead.
  19. I like all books.... Because they burn well in my fireplace underneath my TV.
  20. On the Origin of Species- by Charles Darwin

    Because no one has advanced the shame of sin more than evolutionists promoting darwinian racism through biological evolution