Vote on the Peasant Clan Role Name!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 14, 2016.


Choose your favourite name for the Peasant clan role:

Poll closed Jan 15, 2016.
  1. Clansman

    357 vote(s)
  2. Peasant

    510 vote(s)
  3. Soldier

    887 vote(s)
  4. Commoner

    95 vote(s)
  5. Recruit

    78 vote(s)
  6. Trainee

    36 vote(s)
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  1. What -- how about people who work, no vote for them? How about member as an option. Blah...
  2. I was wondering if you could implement this along with titles, war chief gives out plus 30% plunder to attacker when hit in pvp, warlord gives out plus 20% plunder to attacker when hit in pvp and so on down the clan food chain, and maybe a negative 5% plunder for peasants, it would be a good incentive for more clan vs clan wars. Which is always a good thing.
    You could even keep it active for EE so it adds the unknown to the wars and we all know that is needed.
  3. How about "Mailmen" , everyone who works in the mailroom are at the bottom of the pile. You see it the movies all the time.
    to all you real mailmen out there no offence intended.
    Can't believe people are debating the word peasant, its laughable.
  4. wont wote..

    but i would agree with soldier if 5% of the ppl voted "Soldier" show me screen shot how they had hit Battle List..

    i would rather be a peasant hitting back, than a soldier saying: hey that guy hit me 4,5+ times hes farmer.. did devs allow that?! >.>"
  5. Says another alt.
    So the issue was being an eb fairy means being a peasant? Say that to the nobility and SoD buyers. "Nobility" and "peasant", get the irony huh?
  6. write in vote for "Cattle" 

    Props to ATA for smokescreen and give players a voice in the impending clan change mess. We get to vote on the name of the lowest category!

  7. Soldier isn't a midevil term, it should be banned from the count. Kinda pisses me off, as it has nothing to do with midevil wars.
  8. We can agree about that. Any suggestiona before poll/survey ends?
  9. Damn the tears on this thread, since voting ended shouldn't it be locked now? Before we all drown!
  10. Sorry but foot soldier was a medieval rank falling just below yeoman.
  11. Requirements for a soldier:

    -boots (u thought I said something else)

  12. Stripped your allies and am running bars on ya. What you gonna do about it, Soldier? Pffftt :D
  13. Now that we got to vote on what to be called can we vote on the other changes you devs are planing after all it's the players who play the game and fund ATA.
  14. Just a note last time I checked the term was * medieval * not * midevil *. Just saying.
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