Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Wendyms, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. Speaking of Free Allie market. I think this hidden owner update is great - makes it actually free..free of players like Vix who tries to tell everyone which banner is ok to have in a tap tap game lol I hope people keep hiring even if owner is hidden. Hire whoever u want cos u can't know who's banner to check. Apoc must be raging lol
  2. So much complaining! My gosh!
  3. Most of you in osw clans cant handle 1v1 anyway. Seen it so many times u go cry to friends ,put ppl in ca etc.
  4. Amen
  5. Most big clans won't one on one because most big clan players have mouths because they are in a big clan
    And before the trolls with no stats start complaining about punctuation and whatever they troll about this is a war game not English class hit my news morons
  6. I'll gladly 1v1 anyone... Just ain't anyone who puts up a good fun fight anymore.
  7. Expect u would with those stats v lol that's why I prefer to me v clan  your not gonna pay me much even if I get a hit in 
  9. Think Minnie may be taking the mock out your towers
  10. I would 1v1 skinny but I ain't nobody got alts that size anymore, and even if I did s/he would only build drop more
  11. One v one me 3rd week in July if poss 
  13. Thought kofte may of learned by now lmao don't pick a fight you can't win 
  14. Just carry on recruiting assholes 
  15. Kotfe is a family of clans in the game, clans can't learn as they are merely part of the actual game. If you even think a clan or group of clans may of learned something by now then you are dumber than what most people say... Which is pretty dumb.
  16. Are you 2 in El 3 months in kaw
  17. I'm tough now I'm kofte I'm zaft I'm whatever
    No your a prick
  18. Think summed up my response 