Don't call me a peasant, it hurts my feelings!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by W32SQLE_Anarchy, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. Srsly.

    As of this post there are around 800 people who have voted to change the new clan names to 'soldier' instead of peasant.

    I assume these 800 people felt personally insulted, targeted and sad that they would be given the title peasant and simply could not live with such a name.

    Instead, they must be titled soldiers. To fill their ego up and make them feel tough, respected and not like a poor, common class pleb. I mean who is common class in life? No one playing this app I'm sure.

    I'm not sure how much of a baby or nerd you have to be to be insulted by and request the rank to be retitled, but it's quite incredible.

    Can't believe the devs top class cheeky nandos banta is gonna be removed because some people had to puff their chests out as soldiers. Don't have a laugh, whatever you do. It might make you feel happy.

    Whiny forum noobs.

  2. You're a peasant
  3. I preferred the peasant title, if people didn't like it they could work to get it changed.

    Edit: I mean as in get strong to move up your clan ladder.
  4. #peasantlife
  5. I voted peasant and was disappointed to see it losing out to another name.
  6. I voted peasant
  7. Yeah I can't believe that the dev gave in...

    Says a lot for how people are these days that they can be so easily offended

    Or more likely people will moan about anything just because they can.
  8. Anyone who voted soldier is a poo.
  9. OP is the biggest hypocrite whiner there is.

  10. A bit of education for you, moron. Learn your language before you go around and demonization people as "politically correct". People just use politically incorrectness as a sorry justification of their rudeness.
  11. < posts on any thread I make insulting me
    < calls me a whiner
    < talks about hypocrite
    < irony.

    Frog voted for soldier. What a guy.
  12. Idek what u r on about but here's what made sense.
    You live in Asia (o wait we already know that cause you always whinging about war times. o wait, that makes you a hypocrite about being a hypocrite.)
    You don't think peasant was a common class back in history. (bl on being a "moron")
    You must have voted for soldier.
    You can politically correct my poo if u like.
  13. Lets put this into perspective

    a poor smallholder or agricultural labourer of low social status (chiefly in historical use or with reference to subsistence farming in poorer countries).
    "peasant farmers"
    synonyms: agricultural worker, small farmer, rustic, son of the soil, countryman, countrywoman, farmhand, swain, villein, serf; More
    an ignorant, rude, or unsophisticated person.
    "‘That is a civilized drink, you peasant’"
    synonyms: lout, boor, oaf, clown, churl, yokel, bumpkin, country bumpkin, village idiot, provincial, barbarian; More

    Ok so the term is derogatory.
    Whether you think so or not anarchy the term is classed as an offensive word to some.

    Now I believe in consistency of behaviour when it comes to moderators and kaw having the power to silence and it is their rules that state we should not use derogatory remarks when referring to other players. For example.

    fruit cake
    noun: fruitcake
    a cake containing dried fruit and nuts.
    "a rich, moist fruit cake"
    an eccentric or mad person.

    To us in uk the term is as above in the USA it refers to gay people and is offensive. And kaw went on a mass silencing spree.

    So if we may not use terms that are offensive on one level. Why is it ok for the devs to. They should lead by example.
    Otherwise all the silences were inappropriate as they have just derided every play and caused offended to many also.
    Surely it's not ont rule for us and another for them on harassing players?
  14. Edit and apology. Frogs app and mine show different meanings. That could be due to many reasons. Multiple dictionaries on UK will confirm the derogatory meanings.
    I can only assume frogs app is limited due to different nation and type.
    Either way it still shows similar derogatory terms. All of which go back to point one.
    Who is and isn't allowed to use derogatory terms and can we have some clarity. Beachside I see both terms used as equally offensive.

    And this still isn't helping the small clans cope with the insane costs.
  15. Cause peasant is mad banter.
    Well played devs I say.
  16. Frog likes to pretend he's right for once in his life. Leave the guy alone, he needs to feel like people care about him somewhere. :((
  17. Didn't edit it even once, dude. Sorry to say.

    Basically racists use the veil of "political incorrectness" as an attempt to justify their bigotry and jingoism.

    A smart person would say "Gee, many people have a problem with this word, perhaps we should rethink this."

    A moron would make is own thread squealing and crapping his panties about a term he doesn't understand.

    What's next? Gonna insist we be called the N-word?
  18. Yea cause I'm basically a racist because I made this thread. Thx for the enlightenment on what peasant means, never had an idea until u saved the day. A smart person would say the devs have created some real banter over a level of 9000 and we should appreciate that. I appreciate dat.

    I know your self esteem is low, we talked about this many times frogboy. But the devs aren't targeting you, it's ok dun cry.

    I think ur a bit obsessed with me though tbh. You always following me around and calling me names and yea, I'm sorry but I can't care for you as much as you care for me baby. I wish I could say I even cared about you but I don't so stop creeping me out lol.

    Anyway yeah I'm a racist you got it. Mabs even a bigot.

    Still not a soldier though. And that's the main thing. I'm keepin it real.