
Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IA-CrazyRuggy, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. Hey fellow addicted plays :lol:

    I'm not sure if this has been suggested before but I had a thought in light of KaWs recent forum post. Why not have more frequent polls? It obviously doesn't give a conclusive answer to what players want but it's another way the devs could gauge what the players want. They could have polls on start up rather than in forums so more people (theoretically, everyone) can see it.

    I know there are more important things they can dedicate their time too but just a thought.
  2. support. ive seen some games give rewards, like what if voting in a poll got you an xtal or bars etc
  3. Why not allow us to use polls?
  4. That's a good idea, Dark. Though it encourages people to participate for the reward rather than for what the poll is about.

    As in the players make their own in forums, Narwhal?
  5. Support
  6. I like the idea of being able to use polls ourselves. Though it'll be easily exploitable with trolls and others getting people to vote for the worst forumer or the least like person on KaW or something :roll:
  7. Which is why it needs to have a long and complex BBCode or something that only people who are dedicated can remember.
  8. I am dedicated to being a troll and making those trolly threads. What now?
  9. You deserve it. I meant dedicated exactly like that. Just dedicated. Doesn't mean that you have to be dedicated to good content.
  10. I am dedicated to quoting the op then using copy/paste.
  11. Stay on topic please or leave and make your own thread about dedication, thanks.