2016 law

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Jan 10, 2016.

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  1. I remember when bunchies were popular... Then delta ruined it by spamming them everywhere.
  2. Lmfao
  3. Correct :)
  4. 
  5. Got that sexy five year badge today
  6. Support

    However, this big guy,
    Is also called Delta, so watch out or he'll, you know...
  7. 
    No homo

    Well maybe a little.
  8. Eat you
  9. Well of course there's a little bit. Only natural ;)  after all I'm so beautiful
  10. maybe the guy he was talking to isnt on his original account. (id be at about 5 years on my original. :cry: )
  11. Lolwut pear?
  12. ┓┃┏┓┃┏┓ ┏┓┳┓┳┓┏┓┏┓
    ┃┃┃┣┫┃┃ ┃╴┣┫┃┫┣┛┗┓
    ┗┻┛┃┃┗┛ ┗┛┃┃┻┃┗┛┗┛
  13. That's be me. And I must say, no bunchies.
  14. Support....

    All of it

    Except Geoff... He's too young for kaw...
  15. Oh hai Zeth.

    But... Rah :cry:


    He looks so happy at the moment.
  16. Johnny is thinking about eating Delta

  17. mindblown. And Geoff is NOT a good name
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