How do you grow your stats?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kaela__Barzola, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. What does op mean tho?
  2. OP stands for overpowered in the context it was being used.

    OP can also mean original poster (which is you in this case).
  3. OP means original post/original poster. Refers to the thread and it's opening post and/or the creator of the thread.
  4. Thanks Anarchy!
  5. OP means original poster, in this case you.
    Post farming is trying to reply as much as you can without looking like spamming because then you have 20000000 posts and everyone's like 'that guy must know something'

    Edit: My bad didn't see anarchys reply
  6. Thanks so much
  7. That's ok! Thanks

  8. In the context it was being used, OP meant overpowered though.
  9. Woooooo
  10. I spend some of my time actually growing stats :roll:
  11. Ah, my bad, Anarchy. I just did a quick skim read of the posts :roll: Oops.

    Well, it also means what I said :lol:
  12. You are both farming posts so what's the difference?

    Op join a nice starter clan one that doesn't fail epic battles.
  13. Sadly, good starter clans are fairly rare to find.
  14. Could say the same for you then Hizzy.
  15. Lol :)
  16. That is true sadly most are dead there is a few though.
  17. Ugh, if you would like more information regarding growth...

    Feel free to pm me, op.
    I'd be glad to help/answer any questions.

    The Forum KaWmunity has been going downhill lately.
  18. Agreed
  19. Another spam thread from op

    This belongs in wc, not forums

    In before this gets Eagle'd
  20. Thanks to asshats like you and Jackson