
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JameTail, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. Hi I'm a security guard. I'm guarding Costco tonight, it's 12:00am right now and I don't get out tell 7:00am. I'm in the middle of no where and I'm scared. It's also raining.

    FYI: I'm 19. Never had a job, never left home later than 10pm.
  2. Truly sacred
  3. Classic horror scenario.
  4. Now we know OP's tz
  5. Don't know why you'd want to know that lol
  6. Yep.
  7. I say get a new job
  8. So let's play a horror game
    Goal; survive till 7am
    Enemy; ops imagination, thieves and drunks.
    Weapons; (op fills this in)
    Advantages; (op fills this in)
    Disadvantages; (op fills this in)
  9. Free food samples?
  10. Lol I'm outside
  11. ^now that's scary. Obvious no weapon. Only issued a flashlight and a radio that no one is awake to hear their screams. City? I plan to raid this store soon wearing zombie makeup
  12. Anyone else notice that ots "sacred" not scared?
  13. Anyone notice that last week this loser was working in a factory 12 hours a day? And going to school 10 hours a day... Now you are a night watchman for Costco..

    Didn't you ruin your car as well last week?

    Go back to pimd
  14. I bet Costco would be fun at night all alone.
  15. Sounds like five nights at Freddy's but in Costa
  16. Lol
  17. Watch out for aliens
  19. The bane of my nightmares is a Costco at night. Just think, locked in, no way to know if anything was coming, so open and cold and creepy.

    Throw in clowns and I'll be a quivering mess on the floor, capable only of crapping and screaming.
  20. I'll hold you and take your fears away budro lmao