1. Just hilarious.Thnx for this post.

  2. He probably doesn't give a crap what you think. 
  3. Love it, so funny and so spot on best of material .
  4. More pleas
    I actually love the drawings
  5. Attack builds should have 10 sword and no clothes
    Thats what their builds look like from their stats
  6. Cool drawings. Would've been nice to see the xtal call and dump troops illustrated too lol

  7. Lol who are you fooling Cyn? You don't EE cause you don't know how.
  8. 9/10 thread, you missed the part where everyone is bashing each other after a loss and where everyone is sucking each other off after a win :lol:

    Other than that awesome drawings
  9. I lol'd at the guy coming out of knockout in the hole
  10. Hahaha i should have done that
  11. Lmao I love your trolly drawings xD
  12. Support
    And great thread XD maybe this'll make devs rethink these...
  13. Dead on description lol
  14. Thank u, guys, for feedback. Here is a couple more pics

  15. Lmao! Nice Thread
  16. Yeah "he" does (lol)
  17. Are these direct quotes? :lol:
  18. YES.