guess the movie the phrase is from

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -Rebel_Crouton-, Dec 28, 2015.

  1. The name is "James" James Bond !

  2. You've only gone and blown the bloody doors off!
  3. Italian job the original one

    "None of you understand . I'm not locked up in here with you. You're locked up in here with me."
  4. Watchman
  5. A philosopher once asked, 'Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?' Pointless, really... 'Do the stars gaze back?' Now *that's* a question.
  6. Anyone answer this one? pulp Fiction.
  7. "Well, I'm not looking for Ms.Right. I'm looking for Ms. Right-Now. "
  8. ~ Star dust
  9. Welcome to •••• ••••••, home of the •••• ••••••, may I take your order?
  10. Highlander!!
    How about, " Coffee is for closers!"
  11. Dazed and confused

    "Dude, what's the deal with Neil Patrick Harris, why is he so horny?
  12. Pulp mf Fiction

    "It's not a tumaaahhhhh!" (Tumor)
  13. "Me.. me.. me..." "Me too"
  14. ^Matrix Reloaded
  15. Person one-'So how are we going to do this'
    Person two- 'Together'
  16. Thats iron man and captain America from avengers
  17. Try this one
    "No thats three claws man ,thats wolverine"
  18. Transformers

    Here is a fun one.
    "The snozz-berries taste like snozz-berries"
  19. Super troopers
  20. Top Gun? Wow! You must be old.