Endless Promos & Why WE are to blame.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by XxXbatdogXxX, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. Just as the title says, we the kawmunity are to blame for these constant b2b promos. Allow me to explain why. (Trolls welcome, constructive criticism also welcome, also no Bb codes or pics sorry :( )

    First of all, ask yourselves why did the developers start running b2b promos? We use to get them once every 1-3 months which was great! The answer is simple....MONEY!

    Now with that stated, they are trying to take a free to play app & turn a profit from it. There's no crime there, heck if we all could have done this I'm sure most would have already.

    Lastly, consider this if you will. Every promo players spend massive amounts of money on Seals & Health Crystals. With that said they extended their profit range by adding the 25% plunder spell for 59 nobs, & daily sales. Players constantly complain about their hard earned mith equipment being outdated.

    This is a rightfully legitimate complaint, warring all season & constant struggle to win large amounts of Mith just to have it let alone enchant their equipment. Only to be outdated later down the kaw timeline by "Our Newest attempt to take your money!"

    So how do we stop this? QUIT FUNDING HTE CLANS! If devs stop making large profits off hte clans & seal purchases the promos will end again. While I'm not against hte clans personally, I've seen what promos do to them. As a ex admin of a hte clan, we had players running x2-x4 seals at a time & stacking their already valid pass for months (Depending on clans policy for promos).

    Conclusion, whining about promos while funding them is the equivalent of cutting off your nose just to spite your face. As a non warring player, high tier equipment from promos benefit me. Even so maxing it us a pain & having it outdated a month later is just adding salt to that wound. I love the silver bars payout, while on the other hand they contribute to killing the already over inflated ally market. Just as the title says WE the kawmunity as a whole are solely responsible for these promos.

    Feel free to comment,troll,show support, or hate. Either way it bumps my thread ;) also, yes I am aware this has been mentioned (Possibly) I just chose to add my own version of this theory.
  2. Re: Endless Promos

    Ok Ty
  3. Re: Endless Promos

    I agree :p
  4. Don't like promos? Don't do them.
  5. Support
  6. Re: Endless Promos

    Clans should encourage refusing to run paid ebs.

    If you dont like paid ebs ruining the game, dont hit them.

    The event/item hunts are fine in theory. They add a sense of direction and give new players a chance to combat the bottom feeders/build droppers in their range farming them

    The only problem is that paid ebs are the only way to "win" events. Cut off clans from HTE and the problem will die.
  7. Re: Endless Promos

    Promos are fantastic for growing alts. So keepum coming.
  8. Re: Endless Promos

    Promo events don't hurt anyone. They give new accounts a means to grow quickly and they encourage leaderboard players to continue spending for slightly greater rewards. Everybody else can just continue their normal routines and you will get something for nothing at the end. It's free stuff.
  9. As I stated, personally I do like the equip & bars. I'm just not a fan of it outdating everything else so quickly. Promos here & there are fine, but constantly "Let's find a new way to make them spend" rapidly is rather annoying
  10. Re: Endless Promos

    If they were once every month then it would make them more anticipated and enjoyable I do love growing and good equip but having them constantly is just boring. More effort into ll wars and the upcoming season will make the game feel better overall and tbh the 60 day event is just disgusting Ik u gotta milk is cows but cmon....
  11. Re: Endless Promos

    I don't think we are to blame at all tbh. Lots of apps have been doing b2b promos for a while now. Only a matter of time till Kaw did.
  12. Re: Endless Promos

    Easy way to throw gold at new players
  13. Re: Endless Promos

    Everyone likes paid EBs. They just don't like paying for them
  14. Re: Endless Promos

    You say the devs do promos to make money.
    You then describe how HTE makes them money.
    You then say that to stop promos, we must stop HTE.

    By my logic that makes them earn less money, so by your logic, they'll do more promos to make that money back.
  15. Re: Endless Promos

    The promos are awesome ...the only ones who don't like them are the ones too lazy or jaded to participate. These are the same people who will turn right around and complain that it's "too hard to grow" or "HTE should go" or "the gap between LB and the rest is too big"

    (bunch of whiners, shut your stupid faces.)
  16. Re: Endless Promos

    No, no. Don't present the logic to it. Let it remain innocent and unsoiled, in its natural environment.
  17. Re: Endless Promos

    If people were to stop paying for SoDs and xstals (for events), KaW revenue would drop and eventually be canned like other ATA games. They're the only reason why this game is still running. The game need its revenue to justify the continued support of KaW otherwise they'd just focus on developing new games like Smash.

    The decs need to find a line where KaW events are still profitable and yet enjoyable for the community.
  19. @Todd & Zeth both if y'alls comments are off base. I suggested a boycott of hte simply based on the grounds that promos are when most ate bought or used. If you can't see logic in this that tells me you lack a understanding of simple business ethics.

    No sod purchases decreases profits during promos which will put the devs in a position of 2 paths. More promos & more profit loss or finding a new solution to bring money into the game. I doubt they will close kaw down. Hte clans still turn a profit outside of promos.

    If they see that people quit paying for top tier equip during promos that would push them in the direction of a new path. Example: a retail store is not selling the products simply because the price is to high. What do they do? They offer sales or competitive prices to raise their sales numbers back up again.

    As long as devs see players spending the most during promos they will run them more & more. Simple, stop spending as much during promos they find something different. Maybe they find new ways to fix wars? Maybe they lower sod prices? Maybe they make fewer promos with better rewards? In the words of Mark Twain "Insanity is doing the samething over & over expecting a different result".

    We the Kawmunity keep paying for high tier equip during promos & still people manage to complain about the frequency of them. Change something about that equation & you will get a different result. Stop spending & devs will be backed into finding a new way to maintain profits. Complaining about it solves nothing.