some simple pvp and clan vs 1 tips

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by SkinnyMinny, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. Here are some pvp and clan vs 1 tips.

    If you're going to use defence or spy defence pots. Only buy the best 4 or 5. The rest are mostly useless and it will throw your combatants off a little as they will only see they are burning 4 or 5, not 13 or 11.

    If anyone else from your enemy's clan join in even one hit. Check the eb roster and start hitting all of them. Don't wait to be put in c.a. Take ownership of the fight right away.

    Immediately block your enemy and any of his clannies or friends who join in. If you have iPhone the block list is your quick link to your enemies, also it cuts all communication, which can put your enemy off a little also, as it means you mean the business of news feed only and not crap talking.

    Don't use mith if you digging in for a long fight. Mith wears off. Longevity hitting doesn't.

    Target guests first if you in deep with some clan, conversely if a guest hits you first. Make that pig a priority. Guests have no business in joining in just to look important in the enemies cc.

    Watch who hits the most and ascertain whether they are just an alt kingdom that the owner doesn't care about. It's wasted troops and spies on that kind of kingdom.

    Don't bother with stripping. You can't do enough damage to a kingdom by yourself without spending x-tals. Your best strategy is time, hitting day in day out and wearing them down.

    Only keep the most expensive ally/s with the worst stats you can find. Making stripping you a dirty ugly affair for the stripper. I keep a 460 bil certified turd that has, and continues to serve me well.

    If you are followed by an enemy or enemy friend before you have blocked them. Be very brief in pm. Be very direct and firm that you are going to ruin them. Then unfollow. Always get the last word in.

    Fail or success as a lone kingdom is irrelevant. Just burning away the enemy troops and spies is a bigger priority. Make your enemy have to use their bars on you, if they don't. You will use yours on them.

    Don't hit hit hit then go to sleep. Break up your hitting times to throw your enemy off. A lot of players get a little over excited and sit pinning you every few minutes for hours upon hours...then stop suddenly. They sleeping. Target the awake ones.

    Everyone loves the fight for the first 3-4 days. After that it all gets a bit long in the tooth. After a week the majority of players have had enough. It's gets boring and old really quickly.

    Always look for any little lame reason to be offended or butthurt to help bolster your resolve to drag the whole thing along, and also you will never be short of fights with this approach.

    So don't be shy. Get out there and start whacking everyone for any and or the most ridiculous reason you can think of.

    It's your kaw.
  2. Great guide, Minny.

    Keep it up :)
  3. I likes good tips!
  4. But then everything changed when the super Alliance(s) attacked.
  5. Everything changed when morons like you repost the entire op. Idiot. Get out
  6. This is a good guide. I actually like it.
    I was in a clan pinning op a long time ago - long before I went inactive and this is good guide for those who likes to stir trouble
  7. Astonrocks atk 5/5/? Stl 4/5

    Hate idiots doing that. Why don't the mods get off their asses and do something about it?


    Great guide from someone who knows pvp better than most, and he's got the golden Raven to prove it.
  8. Support. Surprisingly
  9. support, nice guide
  10. All of that is true. Great thread skinny.
  11. I would like to say great tips, some are good, but others just don't work these days.

    -the burning of bars; sure, you should hit constantly, but if you're failing every action, the best you do is burn 15-20%. (Roni tested that on me many times) Unless you're burning full pots, it's just stupid to fail farm when the opponent can regen faster than your burn.
  12. Skinny you forgot your best tips, if faced with a challenging opponent people make sure to always always always drop build below their hit range. Did I get that right ? Idk just drop until you are skinny's Cs than you should be safe
  13. @Onesy

    Yes that was one of Skinny's worst ideas. Everyone learns I guess.
  14. It's only the 80th time she's done it, some people never learn or man up
  15. Poor onesy.
    You've achieved nothing more than spending seals to hit haunting escapes... That's all you've done. That's all you'll ever do.

    I don't blame you for being so butthurt. I do take it as a compliment that you are always just around the corner to cry about how I choose to play, especially since I couldn't care less about you. You just don't rate.

    Have fun with your credit card and seals and escapes. You shaping up to be a real winner
  16. Ask anyone my size if I pvp  because I do  just because you are too small doesn't mean anything. Just this past weekend I solo stripped 3 tril. Though you are prob right they lost the gold through magic while I hit hte
  17. Onesy That's a really cool story. You should make your own thread and tell every one about it. Thanks for your input anyway.