Equipment Stats

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Nefarious, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. ^Looking good, toxic.
  2. Fail
  3. Lol. I'll have ss in an hour or two.
  4. Are you, Therealslimshady236?
  5. Insta he is
  6. Nice!
  7. Nice pinioned boots!
  8. Not much but here is mine  Still working on it

  9. Weak you should be ashamed.
  10. Is that photoshopped or real 
  11. The sword would be around 200 mill attack pin boots 60 mill
  12. I like, totally hate people who photoshop.

  13. Best of
  14. No that's real lol I still got a lot to do on my equip spy wise. I am a graphic artist but in no way would alter my ss, that's unethical and would be falsely representing myself, also there's plenty with bigger stats than mine.
  15. Here's the two items that were mentioned