Why Life is Harder for Men

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zethryr, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. *sits down and wait for the "why life is harder for women" thread*
    Kawmunity is entertaining this time of year
  2. He was referring to your sexual preference

  3. Good times go unnoticed when it even sits on your face sometimes or something.

  4. She used to call me on my cellphone...
  5. 99% Agreed (humor to some extent here). I wouldn't say us men have it harder. Women (or whatever you call the majority of them) just have it easier.
  6. Support lol
  7. Women have it more difficult.

    I had to get my neighbor to change my shower head because the previous one was stuck.

    I have 10 ft tall ceilings; changing a light bulb on my own rarely possible.

    Going to get my oil changed means a man tries to scam me everytime assuming that I don't know anything.

    Society wants perfectly mannered women; being that I'm fairly vulgar... That rarely goes well.

    Who do the kids run to first? Mom
    You no longer go by your name but "mom mom mom mom mom mom mommmmy"

    While I can't say all men haven't worn a thong... It's bloody awful

    Not only do we have to look good for men but for the women that would love to tear us apart

    Men aren't expected to provide elaborate meals for 30 family members

    I could go on and on


  9. I lost 50 IQ points from reading this thread :S

  10. ...so that leaves you with "3" 
  11. I don't think that was the thread.
  12. You don't have to wear a thong. Personally I prefer Brazilians.

    Go to a garage with a female mechanic? OR do it yourself.

    I do all the cooking.

    Dads lose their names too. I WISH my kids went to my wife first.

    There's nothing wrong with being well mannered, male or female.

    I'm 5ft8, tall ceilings do us over too, fortunately we use such inventive tools as, ladders or tables.
  13. 100000000% support
  14. It's over nine thousand!
  15. Wth is a Brazilian?
  16. 
    Mods you gotta pin this one
  17. Waxing?(lol) ...but yeah in reference to swimwear what is a "Brazilian"? 
  18.  ^
  19. I heard Bruce Jenner's dog is now a cat?

    Dear OP sooooo

    Women are obviously superior or you would no be whining and seeking moral support from a pseudo social network.

    Each couple is different, and how they manage their relationship is key to their future.

    Most of us recognize our men as the leaders in the household. That said take out The garbage, mow the lawn are weekly events; just like golf, stopped for a few drinks, boys night out, going to the gym etc etc.

    On the other drop off the kids go to work for 8 hours pick up the kids and "what's for dinner honey?" are daily. Socks don't walk to the laundry hamper unaided, cloths don't get hung up or washed without help.

    When was the last time you helped bring 17 heavy bags of groceries home?

    At least your useful to open pickle jars and rebuild the deck once every 10 years. Why the heck do you have a deck on the driveway anyway, whiner