Hello guys! I have an idea... I guess most of you would disagree with it and especially the devs who will have their income reduced if they implement this... 1) Aqua and inferno can be sold (Of course aqua not for 5 xtals...1 xtal each maybe...or 10aqua=1xtal) 2) equipment can be sold 3) gold can.be traded for nobility points 4)trading of equipments from one account to the other... ( in this case, accounts of similar CS only...otherwise people will give their unused equipments to their newly created alts) 5) Top 500 rewards for PvP Blitz
Not trying to be a downer, but... 1. I have 61 Aqua, that would be 6 xstals. I know people that have 1.5k Aqua just sitting around.... Not the best idea. 2. Sold how? Like, for gold? Elaborate, I'd you will. 3. How much gold? A build complete person can make a trillion a day.... So, unless it's a crazy amount of gold, its a bad idea. 4. Brought up before, ignored by devs, and a lot of negative feedback about it... 5. Doubtful. These eb events use to have stuff like that. Top 500, top 1000. Etc. there was top 5k at one point. But you didn't need to spend money to get into those tiers and the rewards were incredibly nice without having to spend for them. So, devs got rid of them.
1; Been suggested before 2: Been suggested before 3: Developers would lose money, would never be implemented 4: Easily abuseable for Alts 5: Top 250 would be better
No support, the prices set to sell them back would have to be so low to prevent exploitation that selling them wouldn't be worth the effort of allowing them to be sold. I do whoever agree with top 500 pvp blitz awards, but im not too fussed tbh.
Just because people disagree doesn't make it a bad idea just like how people agreeing doesn't make it a good one. I will post a more in-depth response late but I'm busy right now.
5+3 = 8 But so does 4+4 Just because its different doesn't mean it's not a good idea Don't diss people's ideas All ideas are welcome in the forums
He knew that it was imperfect so why not refine it until he's confident that his idea would be accepted? You wouldn't start off a sales pitch to your consumer starting off with "this may not be accepted" and state all it's flaws.
This is completely different. He was probably expecting people to maybe suggest other things that could be sold etc.
Then he should have stated it in his op. However the community has suggested these ideas many of times but the have many flaws. Most of them are terrible ideas. Number 5 and selling equipment is the only reasonable thing in this.
At op, a lot of that was suggested in Moody's black market idea. Alot of people agreed with selling equipment, however it would haft to have a minimum amount & a maximum amount. This way alts could not gain mithril equip or outdated top promo gear for little to nothing or gain trillions of gold from there main buying extremely overpriced equip from them as an exploit move. As for aqua/inferno they should allow a trade 1 aqua for say 1-3 inferno & sold as the same. Devs will not allow nobs to be bought with in game gold it's a huge loss in profit and allows exploiting way to easily. They would not implement war crystals (xtals solely used for war & bought through in game gold) Even though it would make warring more appealing to players & more accessible to all its simply a matter of lost profit. Not that I dont support your theory here, this is just why it can't happen/a list of other suggested things along the same lines that was requested.
Ok here is the response I promised. 1) Aqua and inferno in my opinion shouldn't be sellable as we don't need more gold in the already inflated economy. I do however think that in recent times aqua should be able to be bought with gold same as inferno. Aqua used to be rarer than inferno as it was only used in small quantities on higher levels so the higher valuation was understandable back then. Now aqua is used in similar quantities to inferno so as I said purchasing it for gold should be feasible. 2) Honestly I think that equipment shouldn't be sellable however old equipment shouldn't just be left to rot with no use whatsoever. As has been suggested at least allow people to reclaim a small % of aqua and inferno used on enchanting it. 3) No, nobility is a premiumcurrency. If you want premiumcurrency be prepared to pay for it 4) Similar to point 2. Equipment should be purely for your account but it shouldn't be made redundant. 5) PvP blitz doesn't need a top 500 reward tier as the majority of people don't get over 50 anyway who take part unless they are chasing top 100. It wouldn't hurt to add it if there was a huge demand but currently adding a top 500 would most likely reduce the competition for the top spots.
That's a poor reason to add another tier... If top 250 was added for example there would still be people who just miss out. Adding additional leaderboard tiers isn't worthwhile when the majority of players who miss out on lb tiers are just over the top tier. There will always be people who just miss out on a tier. That can't be changed.