Equipment Stats

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Nefarious, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. Equipment Stats

    What is the point of this thread?
    The point of this thread is to share your best, favorite, equipment and/or equipment stats

    Kinda simple but, you can either type down your stats like this
    Attack - 43,198,764
    Defense - 39,765,312
    Spy Attack - 19,928,421
    Spy Defense - 14,871,012

    Go ahead! Share!

  2. Type it then
  3. Res give me 100 years.
  4. Wouldn't blame ya with that equipment just kidding.. It's better than mine lol
  5. The equip I want to show will take awhile.
  7. The legitness is realz
  8. What do u use to upload photos.
  9. 162,000,000 attack
    102,000,000 defense
    166,000,000 spy attack
    99,000.000 spy defense.
  10. WIN
  11. Lol nice I tried to check and it wouldn't let me
  12. :)
  13. I still am very fond of my abyssal blade. I don't want to let it go :roll: :lol:
  14. lolwut