As previously stated by other users, thank you for opening, but it's not bringing you anything but disappointment and that disappointment led to you creating a thread.
Wendy, you're sweet and generous. I'm sorry to hear about this. But from Mikey to you;thank you for being the great you.
Skinny is a laughable account. Idc about exp. If you act like a noob in forums and wont fight then you're just a sorry(or sore) loser.
Must have lost the battle wins in the Great Kaw Fire... Someone would even refer to it as an inferno.
I have never denied any of this and so what, I know this, you know this, everyone knows this. We all know I will get mad over my ally hires, just depends whether I do it in a cranky manner or with a joke depending on the circumstances of the hire. Since you guys have always hired from me disrespectfully, you only get cranky Wendy. Others may just get me growling and kicking them in the shins.... lol... at least, unlike some (ahem) ... I make no threats of repercussion, I just rant and rave. I cannot overprice, I rehire... the issue is the hypocrisy of what should and shouldn't be in banners to protect the person and their gold, seems you lot have taken on the roles of gods of kaw and if the words just aren't to your satisfaction, bad luck ... and you keep going back to what I usually have in my banner.... get on the same page and we might stop going around in circles here..... I had PVP PVP: PLEASE DO NOT HIRE ALLIES... I then had this on my wall as well. Now, you all crapping on at me about the words, excuse me... but there is a pvp event running and I may not be politically correct in the words according to the rest of you... but the message is the same.
Not quite right there Easy.... I used that in context with bullying because being bullied gets you down and once upon a time, I may have been a strong person who could deal with that once upon a time but not anymore and so therefore whilst I was being bullied I sent out the alarm that ... okay, you are really starting to get me down with this bullying, please lay off... I am bad wall cleaner, it sits on my wall still somewhere.
Anyone a problem with Wendy PPP into my news not sure what attention I can give as hitting others but I will get back to you
Your threats mean nothing anymore as you are just a mid hansel. Ain't nobody scared of your fails and your scout bombs bruh.
I was being sarcastic. You obviously take this far to seriously. Go to your bathroom. Open the medicine cabinet. Grab the container labeled "Chill Pills" and take ten.