Oracle and it's prices..

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by TGH-IllISick-_-SkillslllI-TGH, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. SUPPORT!!!!!
  2. Anyway I'm pretty sure prices are set by the App Store/ google play, the only thing the devs would be able to do is increase the amount we get with each purchase.
  3. In app purchases prices are not set by app store lmao only the app itself
  4. Support! Seals are way overpriced. Common devs you know if the prices are lower we will buy more. Better make money in volume then make it from few sales that are expensive.
  5. Support
  6. Lmao what a stupid thread. The prices can be whatever they want. Seals SHOULD be over priced. The game is over inflated with gold as it is.

    Do you people understand how anything in this world works?
  7. When you're buying something in a game, regardless of the price or amount of pixels you're paying for it's not something you can reach out and touch. End of the day whether you're getting 3 seals or 1 for $7 you're still buying objects in a game that won't improve your rl so why does it even matter how much "bang for your buck" you get? If you don't have the funds in your account to waste on a hobby like this then you shouldn't spend on it. With the current cost of a year of hte you could go and buy the latest console and games. At least they're real. Spending in kaw is a choice and devs set the prices much like console developers set theirs. Don't see their forums flooded with "petition to lower the price"
  8. I like having bragging rights of having the most currency in game HTE helps that.
  9. Hate to be that guy that quotes multiple people but this is something I relate to since I'm a minor so I support.
  10. It really doesn't matter what the prices are. You could cut everythings price in half but in the grand scheme of things it will just have a placebo effect.

    People will continue to spend the same amount. Your growth would still be the same in comparison to everyone else.

    Unless paying to "tap" more often for no real reasons entertains you, then... Support.