At what point in your mind does the child become, by your definition, alive? At conception? At birth? Please elaborate.
The child is alive since day one in his mother You're saying we should get rid of him before being alive Is like preventing life from happening which is also murder.
Is the transfer of gametes from the male organ mass murder then? No. They are just cells, also are you against contraception, from the looks of your last statement it seems that you are.
I am not talking about "transfer" They have transfered and have formed the zygote which is going to become a baby and you can't pervent that unless you kill it As for birth control , i don't see a problem in it the zygote haven't been formed yet it's just cells that males and femles probably get rid of everyone once and a while But if the baby is about to be formed yes it's murder
So a bundle of cells that are barely formed=a person according to you. Ummm no that's not how it works. Are you religious btw?
Abortion has an always will be up to the mother in my opinion. And for y'all info, baby's aren't fully formed until about 1-2 months after it's out of the womb. Therefor your argument is invalid
All religions are against abortion Judaism Islam Christianity Those are the ones i believe in anyway All other religions are creation of man
If the mother managed to keep her legs closed then yes it would be up to her but nope she had to spread it out
Cute...slimeball haven't heard that since i was in kindergarten In case of using "sexual force" you may drop the baby before it completes one month and 10 days if does complete this duration you may not drop it
One more thing i would like to add is abortion Is allowed is two cases First is as stated before in sexual force second is if the pregnancy have endangers health of mother
Or if the mother doesn't want a child. That's her choice its her body. Who are you to decide what's best for them?
I don't care if she kills herself as far as i am concerned, last time i checked this was a thread to talk about opinions and believes and thats me stating it.
Just to change the subject, pretty sure Senator Sander's isn't suggesting an increase in taxes on the middle class, rather increasing the taxes on the richest companies and individuals to enable the poorest to have something and let the working and middles classes to keep more of the money they've earned.