American truths

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by ReznovReborn, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. Hi. People in america are incredibly stupid and im going to give you all some logic.

    The baby in the womb is a human being. Thats why its worse legally and morally when you kill a pregnant woman, rather than a non pregnant woman. Also planned parenthood has referred to the fetus as a human. So yes, abortion is murder. There is forgiveness for already committed abortions. And if you say there are exceptions, ask yourself if its worth killing a 6 month old.

    Radical muslims are terrorists. Muslims believe that any non muslims should be killed. That makes the radical ones who enact on that, terrorists. NOT EVERY MUSLIM IS TERRORIST. But the radical ones are.

    You cannot have free school and free everything like bernie sanders says. Who will pay for it??? Us. So therefore it isnt free

    You cannot take money from the working class and give it to the non working. Who would work if everyone who doesnt, gets money?

    You cannot outlaw guns. Criminals will find a way to get them and good guys will be helpless. Obama wants less guns but he has no problem with having guns protect him and his family. Alcohol and marjihuana have been outlawed. Did they go away?? No it creates more unneccesary use for our tax dollars.

    These are a few incredibly stupid things that most people believe and i have just disproved with simple logic.
  2. Amen
  3. ^did you really need to quote the entire op? nevertheless, support.
  4. It was that amazing
  5. Op needs some brain cells.
    Ironically the op's opinions represent what IS currently wrong with America
  6. Stupidity =\= Ignorance
  7. Op just wants to return to when the world was like he talked about. It was a lot better
  8. He lost me at abortion being murder to be honest.
  9. ^ other than that part, i can agree with this thread.
  10. It is unwillingly taking another humans life. Is that not murder? I do agree however in some extreme cases the mother should be able to decide but other than that, it's jut murder. Does a baby gain anymore value when it's not attached to a mother?
  11. Unwanted children can cause stress on a family. It would be cruel to let the child grow up unwanted.
  12. We also have a steadily growing population which is a problem. Hopefully (I will sound horrible) nature finds a way to correct this.
  13. Nothing about this post is logic. It's 100% opinion, it's your belief when you think human life begins. It's your belief what gun control there should be, and what should be community shared and what shouldn't be. I'm sorry op narwhal is right stupidity does not equal ignorance.
  14. Abortion should only be allowed during the first trimester. I personally wish there could be no abortions except for **** victims or case where the mother is at risk, and that these should be down as early as possibly. But knowing that will never happen I would settle for first trimester only abortions. Which is still murder but all logical intelligent ppl know the left only cares about votes and not facts, laws, or morals.
  15. First of all, it's your probably your fault for an unwanted baby. Babies don't hat pop up out of nowhere. Anyways, the baby that you just aborted could have been the next ground breaking scientists or leader as bad things don't always come out of a bad childhood. Look at miss ohio(I think). Also, it is a much greater crime to kill a human than it is to not love your child as they grow up. It would be better to live a long, not so "great" life than to die before you have seen the light.
  16. On the flip side of that the child may become a terrorist, school shooter or genocidal dictator. We also have a population problem. More babies=more mouths to feed.
  17. Actually, most of that is a load of poo poo. It just won't work in an oligarchy (like the USA) freedom wooohoooooooo lol
  18. Muslim don't believe that every non muslim should be killed get your facts straight kid
  19. :lol: yeah. Obvious Republican is obvious. Funny how gun control has worked in numerous country outside of the U.S. Name one mass shooting stopped by someone with a gun. I can't think of a single shooting with a vigilante saving the day that had a gun. I can however think of one with an unarmed man. He died of course but did what would've been done anyways when the police showed up so he's an idiot. Yes, radical muslims are terrorists. Everyone knows that. Just like radical Christians, atheists, Jews, etc. are terrorists if they do the same thing. A select few who are part of the second largest religion in the world does not mean ban muslims from entering the U.S., or whatever idiotic thing you were suggesting. You also mentioned a six month abortion. Most abortions can't be done in the 3rd trimester. You're absolutely stupid if you think what is literally a collection of cells feels as a human does. 6 months and beyond? Sure. But there isn't much scientific evidence now, is there? And don't even say your God says it's wrong :lol: because trying to force your religion on others can be radical as you said earlier :roll: . As for free school it's called TAXES. Hell, even some private companies are willing to help fund this. You're likely some grumpy old man who never received an education and/or got it years ago and your degree is likely now obsolete and you're still hired somehow anyways. Nothing is free in this world. There you are correct. But if you do the math, it wouldn't be much. Stupid politicians (that you're probably voting for) want you to pay more taxes than you'd pay for that, for the military. School won't simply be free, it's public schools, like community college. You already pay taxes for children to be educated in public school up to HS so why be upset when you could be paying taxes for additional, optional schooling. Not to mention, most will still choose to go to a private college anyways since they offer a much better education. It'd be a damn good thing if college was paid for so we wouldn't have a bunch of uneducated idiots like OP around, making uneducated statements. As for the working class working for the non-working. If this didn't happen, they'd be homeless on the streets. You think welfare gives you 6 figures? No. Go talk to a family who gets paid welfare and ask them what they got their children for Christmas. It either cost them months of saving (and it still isn't much) or they got them nothing or something very cheap. And these lower class families are shown to have higher family values than people more fortunate than them. Not everyone can get a job. This is simply a fact. Most people wouldn't choose to get paid welfare since it barely pays for necessary living conditions. The current unemployment rate is much lower than it was 5-8 years ago. If you can't realize why any of these things are, or should be in place. You really need that free schooling America may be offering in a few years :lol:
  20. Actually, babies do "hat pop up out of nowhere". It's called **** victims. and no, your baby would not have been a genius raised an environment where they are either unwanted or can't be taken care of. Most of intelligence comes from the environment and a family below the poverty line can't afford good schooling (look at that, no free college :roll: ) not to mention growing up unwanted does not do too well for the child's mind. You could argue that any child could grow up to be the next "ground breaking scientist". And as Pipe said, most abortions are in the 1st trimester WHEN THE CHILD IS LITERALLY JUST CELLS. So no, it's not a worse crime to kill a bunch of cells since you unknowingly do the same thing all the time. :roll: