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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Items in ebs allie trading events
  2. Whaaa? U mean like hitting item phases and having bfa?
  3. #jacksonfornoob
  4. Support
  5. Agreed
  6. can you get silenced or banned in forums for swearing? or abuse?
  7. You can get temporary bans from the forums for breaking ToU or RoS so yes excessive spam or abuse will result in bans.
  8. Yes. As it says in the terms of use; you cannot abuse any person or entity (legit)
  9. Ty X-D next Qquestion i know on Quest 1 you can get nobilty rewards .which other Quest can you get nobility rewards and crystal rewards or other rewards
  10. All quests have a rare chance of dropping Health Crystals or Nobility Points! :)
  11. I tried hitting someone with more than 50% troops and it keeps saying dtw although my stats and his is close, how come?
  12. Because he's low on spies/troops
  13. What I mean is that he have more than 50% troops, I still cant attack him, keeps saying dtw although my stats is close to his.
  14. This could be because he has 0 gold out I think.
  15. I have encountered the same thing kinda, will the builds just usually require peps to have more than 20% troops (both spies and troops) you should make the attack/spy action.
  16. COE, Colony, Elven, or kraken lair? Whats best for plunder on a PS1 such as myself
  17. Because you said PS1 I am obligated to inform you that PS2 is better, because it has SoulCalibur 5. Or was it 6? Hm.
    Anyways, for a hansel always go balanced buildings. In this case its COE.
  18. Hansel is 3 buildings though right ?? I only have 1..
  19. Hansel was originally one building, if I'm correct.

    About a year or two ago there was a change, referring to hansel builds as pure spy 1-3.

    It's gotten quite confusing.

    But it's all about how you interpret it.
  20. The mechanics of hansle is less than or equal 25% attack troops and more or equal 75.