There is a 24 health limit per 24 hours, but unless you sit and count, it can be hard to remember how many you have per 24 hours, I propose a message when you active a health crystal or nobility points telling you how many you have left for each 24 hour period or something along those lines.
I work odd off-shifts and hit when I can, makes it hard to keep up with in my head when I'm HNR a lot, which is part of the reason I made this post
could just do simple math… if have 100 xtals u can keep going til u have 76 left. Would take less time then clicking all the spam notices that u used an xtal each time
When you first xtal, write on your wall or in AC or somewhere how many xtals you had at the beginning. Or note down whenever you drop xtals. Don't really see a need for this. There's easy ways to keep track without devs having to waste their time on adding it to the game. More important things for them to dedicate time to.
There's already a popup notification for xtal use letting you know that your troops have been regenerated. I don't see what would be so awful about adding an extra line of text at the bottom letting the user know how many regenerations they will be permitted before the next time period begins. What is wrong with some of you haters? Do you just disagree and hate for the sake of disagreeing and being hateful? Get a life :roll:
Just because some of us have disagreed, doesn't make us haters. We're entitled to disagree with the idea as you are entitled to agree with it.
It's a good idea tho, I forget sometimes and eventually wanna xtal but can't. Don't see why you'd disagree with them simply adding "23 regens left" after "your troops have been regenerated "
Did I say it was a bad idea? No, I didn't :lol: Tbh, I was thinking of a separate message. Adding it on isn't a bad idea. But I still think there are more important tweaks to add to the game.
Yes! I've emailed them about having a timer with how long from the 1st crystal until you have 24 again to use. In pvp this is very helpful if you want to keep track of how many xstals to use. I keep track of how many I use so I can minimize the amount needed for my goal, yet it'd be useful to have such timer in game