Grammar, People

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PrestonGarvey, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. *silly, though.
  2. Go help your uncle jack off a horse

    Go help your uncle jack, off a horse
  3. My techers dun learnt me nuthin
  4. Who cares about grammar #Yolo#Hipster#AintNobodyGotTimeForThat
  5. Psshh, op. Who learned you to spoke?
  7. That is creepy as hell
  8. 
  9. When people turn into grammar police as a last resort of a defense.
  10. Grammar.
    It's the difference between knowing your ****, and knowing you're **** 
  11. Time to harm a llama!
  12. Rip llama
  13. When people get salty because somebody pointed out that "You're crap" and "Your crap" mean two different things.

    Had to PG it down. Mother clucking KaW censor.
  14. That's how you get forum banned ^
  15. For that?
    Thats crazy.