Where The Hell Did My Thread Go?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. Never mind. I found it.

    I don't know what I would do without my thread.

    Have you ever lost thread. Let's have a religious thread discussion. Does your thread believe in string Jesus?

    Or the Spaghetti monster?
  2. Lmao... Well played
  3. I found my thread in between my butt cheeks. It used to be bacon or something, but my butt cheeks are bare strong
  4. Are you a marijuana?
  5. Yes, I am a marijuana, it gets lonely without any other marijuanas sometimes
  6. Can confirm.
    Source: Am marijuana.

  7. Salty, a double Jesus glitch is no mistake.

    It's a sign.
  8. I'm glad you found your thread, don't lose it again. D:
  9. I skimmed your thread saw something about Jesus an posted that, but the double post is very odd...
  10. The Oriental lady in the nail salon used a thread to improve my eyebrows from a unibrow to two beautiful brows.

    I bet it was your thread, Willy. But don't worry, it wasn't lost or wasted. It was used for a good cause - my perfect eyebrows.

  11. glad ur thread wasnt eagled
  12. Low effort

    /lock plz
  13. If they locked everything for being low effort, your OSW besties in ZAFT would be sponsored by MasterLock.

    Just sayin, bruh.

    You do good, though.

  15. Is this the point where we teach him where to apply the burn ointment?
  16. Savage