for hte clans

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by TMK_KING_MITE_TMK, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. Nono you also have to see their address, social security number, a valid photo ID, a copy of their birth certificate, their passport (not a copy or picture of it. their. physical. passport.)
  2. Nono you also have to see their address, social security number, a valid photo ID, a copy of their birth certificate, their passport (not a copy or picture of it. their. physical. passport.)[/quote]
    Thats not enough. WE DEMAND TO KNOW what they ate, where they slept or who they slept with. More details about their personal lives please
  3. Wait. What if don't have a personal life?

    KAW allow outside interest? Since when.
  4. Go home op. You're drunk
  5. I suggest we close all hte clans : problem solved
  6. Support cause I don't wanna feel like I'm being left out.

  7. Also their credit card password yea right?? XD
  8. Or your mothers maiden name, your childhood best mate, your childhood nickname, the first street you grew up in, your first dogs name oh and, how many pets you have.
  9. They should have a way of using items on an epic before entering, so they can seal for you before being allowed entry. /s
  10. Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard then clans may be tempted to have you seal and then deny you entry scam central smh
  11. I think the scout button really should show you thier pot stock, and have a small chance of showing gold out.
  12. You forgot the /s
  13. Hahaha some of u guys are so funny so wat ur ideas on the subject ...on a serious note not jus da bs ???? Haters gonna hate lmao
  14. Firstly, please spell correctly.
    Secondly, don't bump an old, crap thread.
    Thirdly, don't abbreviate filtered words.

    Let this trash die pls.

  15. wHO dO YoU Thnk u R m8. I WilL cRusH uRe whOlE boDY wITH my FISt

    Just kidding SUPPORT.
  16. ask them to send id for verification purposes. if they scam, report them to kaw_police at once!!!!
  17. Please stop bumping this thread
  18. Isn't this a war game? Then just farm scammers and have some fun.
  19. you'd be putting a big bull's-eye on a lot of non-pvp players. I know its a war game but it would still be a douche move to farm up some 12 year olds seal.

    Besides, I find quite a bit of entertainment seeing how different hte clans handle scammers and such.

    Want to get the max out of a seal? Then the risk should increase.