Mage needs to be reworked

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Delsoul, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. Sitting here looking at my new equip and decided to try maxing some other stuff so my BFE will raise and i can be a little stronger..... Well guys that didnt happen.

    Maybe its just me.. But i feel as though with new equip being released CONSTANTLY
    That with the amount of materials required to upgrade the reset rate should be lowered or we should get refunded the material for each reset.


    ^ Big difference ;)

    Spent the last 5 minutes trying to max some equipment and everything has failed.

    Welp.. I guess i have to wait until the end of tomorrows event to get more aqua/inferno. Since i rarely get drops from eb
  2. My eyes needs to be reworked because of that colour
  3. It won't, devs don't read this stuff
  4. I do wish it were reworked though
  5. You are one unlucky person
  6. Mage hates me :(
  7. Mage needs to have his knees caressed by a baseball bat
  8. Cf granted. Enjoy ur KaW.