Forum Notifications

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Nefarious, Dec 28, 2015.

  1. They could implement this some how though
  2. The devs should actually go deeper into this... Make a forumer acheivement
  3. Nah... Then people would spam just to get the achievement
  4. I can't tell you how many times I've sat and waited for a response from someone in forums.


    and also, the disable option is also supported.
  5. They could add the tapatalk plugin to the forum, which is supported by this forum.

    Then create a unique email account for every KaW account.

    Then write a script that sends the notification from tapatalk through the email account and then back to the KaW account.

    But that would be a lot of programming for probably not much ROI.

    It's possible, but not likely to be implemented.

    Tapatalk would add tons of awesome functionality.
  6. This is correct ATA does not own fourms.
  7. What do you mean by "own?"

    If you mean the source code, that's probably not true. phpBB is open source, but they may have edited it enough to claim a copyright, considering how it interacts with the game.

    If you mean the servers, I don't think ATA even owns the servers that the game itself is hosted on.

    So when you say "own," that's kind of a complicated question when it comes to web-based software.
  8. This has already been suggested by me and devs replied that this isn't possible to do..I'll try to find their response for u guys

  9. This was the reply by devs on my thread "Forum Notifications" a few months ago
  10. Oh so you're talking about actual in game notifications like if an admin started an eb? If so I support this it would make looking for a reply on the forums much easier
  11. Kaw_community said him/herself that a separate company makes these forms and that AthinkingApe only runs them
  12. These forums are run using phpBB which is an open source piece of software so I don't see how that's an issue. ATA manage these forums and any addons that are not default or already coded and openly available are coded in by ATA. This means that all my points are valid and the notifications can be added into the game but as has already been quoted above, this is very difficult to do so it isn't a practical addition. Not quite sure what you're trying to get at.
  13. I'm saying that a separate company runs this forum but ATA does mange it I'm basically saying that it would be hard for them to make this forum notification. But i can't really say anything about the phpBB as I don't know much about what it means and what it does
  14. ATA runs this forum. phpBB is just the skeleton software that ATA fleshes out with their own style.

    It's possible to implement the notification system, it's just not very straightforward. And certainly not worth their time to try and figure out.