You got a SoD... WAIT WHAT?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IIIIIlllllDeNiZeNlllllIIIII, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. So recently after completing a Rotwb, I was lucky enough to get a SoD drop. But instead of 1 seal (which I thought was the max), I got 2 seals. Is that normal? Is that ultra rare? Someone please tell me. Ty 
  2. O-O I think that's rare!
  3. ss or it didn't happen
  4. I got 2 horns from a Warbeasts. Looks like I'm not the only one who got a weird drop.
  5. Yep I've had double drops on revenge twice......once it dropped a double on my main and alt in same eb.....but been a while since I've had a drop
  6. I am forum nub :( how to post SS
  7. I've had a double-double drop once. I threw a horn of ROTWB, and me and a clanmate both got 2 seals from it. Only luck I've ever had on ROTWB lol
  8. It happens albeit very rarely.
  9. It's happened a few times here
  10. If rotwb drops it always drops 2

  11. It's been over a year since I had a drop, but it was 2 the one time it happened.
  12. I had maybe 5 this year but they were all 2. Chance of it dropping is .0000001% i feel like, but if it drops it's 2 at a time