Three Reasons to stop Drinking Alcohol

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DEVOURlNG, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. All of these facts are based on my research, so all of these facts are credible. I'm a educated man and I graduated from Yale, so I'm a liable source.

    Reason 1: Alcohol Causes Cancer
    There has been 420,000 cases a year linking cancer to alcohol. So the less you drink, the lower the risk of cancer.

    Reason 2: Alcohol Causes AIDS
    Anyone who drinks alcohol have a higher chance of getting HIV/AIDS. The reason why is because alcohol destroys your immune system.

    Reason 3: Alcohol Makes you an Abusive Person
    The reason why America banned alcohol as because it was making people abusive. There where millions of cases a year where the husband beat the wife and kids because he was drunk. Do I really have to explain myself here.

    Bonus Reason : Alcohol lowers your IQ
    Study show that drink once a week can damage your brain permanently. Alcohol is the main cause of lower intelligence.
  2. If it lowers your iq, what makes you think people will take this advice?
  3. Support.
    What happened to the original devouring?
  4. The original devouring didn't graduate from high school let alone Yale.
  5. Graduating from Yale, or any other school does not make you a "reliable source". In addition, you cite no sources and your facts are deeply flawed.
  6. "Drink a little wine, Timothy, for thy stomach's sake."

    Its in the bible, ill follow it.
  7. Nope..

    Too drunk
  8. I remember reading a book that was written a couple millennia ago and following it blindly.
  9. Same boi, and also having people tell me that it's "All true because 'God' wrote it" b/c we have evidence of that.
  10. I use to be smart but this guy named Jack Daniels and some biker group called Canadian Club stole my brain.
  11. No support just for saying it causes cancer.
  12. Alcohol and tobacco are two legal drugs than damages peoples lives, causes addiction, and kills more people together than most drugs.
    I shouldnt need notations to prove this. If you dont think these are problems that your lieing to yourself. Plus the whole hypocrisy of how people can do these and be a regular person but other drugs are not thought of in the same light. There are messed up things that we accept in America like police brutality, racism, corrupt government and these are on the list of Americas bad habits... I honestly dont know about incereasing chance of AIDS, but idk im not a doctor.
  13. This is devouring but it has a L instead of a i
  14. not worth
  15. God didn't wrote it. His prophets do it. If you read the Bible you'll know that He didn't wrote it..... (also, he only wrote the commandments, and I don't think you can make the thunder write in a paper.....)

    Let's go back to the topic...
    Alcoholic drinks are also sometimes the root of car accidents (didn't know if other countries have already solved it) and.... Did you know someone have died of it not because of any accident but because of vomitting a lot?... A relative of my mother died because he kept vomitting many times (maybe because of drinking a lot or drinking a strong one) and it made his organs be pushed up to his chest... Which cause his death.....
  16. Would be a lot more credible if there were sources cited and less grammatical errors.
  17. To debunk devourings lil myth.

    Like the herds of Africa, they're only as strong as the weakest of the herd. As the slow weak ones are picked off by predators, the health of the pack is better.

    Much like alcohol, as it attacks and destroys the slowest and weakest brain cells, the health of your brain increases, making it faster and more efficient.

    This is why you always feel smarter when you have a drink.
  18. Well it is random. It may destroy both, weak and strong, you cannot control alcohol and you only feel smarter because you are somehow confused and sometimes out of control, but most of the time you are not becoming smart at all. You only "feel" like it was...