Why Women Are Better

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CanadianGal, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. Did you just get dumped by some guy? Go back to your feminist groups and relax. Those are such stupid reasons.

    Women have better designed bodies? Have curves in the right places? That's so stupid I can't even handle it.

    Men can't handle pain like women? Getting kicked in the balls is equal to bones breaking.

    Cleaner? That's just absurd. Plenty of women are dirty.

    I'm done refuting your points. You aren't worth anymore of my time. Go become a lesbian.
  2. Ok let me point out your flaws... First off, the men are the ones that carry the only being you women carry but without men those eggs are useless. Secondly, men getting kicked in the balls creates 3 times the pain of giving birth. After giving birth women are fine after a little while. While as men have to take a couple of hours to heal. You're welcome!
  3. Lol please shut up
  4. And all my dudes please shut up, we will never win this debate, why can't y'all just let them think they've won??? For once be smart when it comes to this, and make them look dumb
  5. At least I didn't read this thread... Point to the guys!
  6. Nope im tired of women thinking they can win everything
  7. I love how so many guys are getting angry over a joke thread

    Almost makes me regret being a meninist

  8. Good on Ya, but what are you doing out the kitchen?
  9. Thank you CG and Willy for 2 great threads.
    A great read and laugh
    Really dont need bait on the line to hook the stunned mullets
  10. Point #2 - Men die before women because we want to escape.
  11. Not as funny as the men one. This one has ewer true ones aswell so it's easier to dismiss. 2/10
  12. LOL this is awesome xD
  13. And they make men great sandwiches. Inb4 feminists 
  14. Eh. Fair enough. I'm not a butthurt wittle boi. Tho. I have a question- can I poop and read KaW forums? Or does that mean actual books? I'm a bit confused by that part.
  15. LOL I love this guy
  16. No
    1 girls r mental
    2 uncontrollably bleed for 40 yrs then get more mental
    3 don't say what they think
    4 too thick to realize what dudes are thinking and why
  17. Ok, so I am gonna weigh in a bit.....1st, there are no pictures of who is better on this thread....ss it or its not true....isnt that the standard answer in KAW?? 2nd, women are said to use 15,000 words a day and men an average of about 5,000....dont we get any "smart credit" for steering our woman to other women for conversations??? That has to get some credit for using our brains....even with these muscles, we figured that out on our own.... lastly, guys...get a reality check on child birth. I have seen my wife go through that multiple times....all I can say is DAMNNNNNNNN. Much respect ladies. Even with my kidney stones, aint NOOOOOO way I want to endure that. GOD IS A MAN AND ALLOWED PAIN MEDICINES TO BE INTRODUCED...PERIOD, END OF CHALLANGE. I SUBMIT TO WOMEN FOR surviving childbirth ALONE.

  18. Most scientist are men

    Most explorers are men

    Most presidents are men

    Most writers are men

    Most nobel prize winners are men

    Most 18 movies are women ill give you that

    Men win

  19. I agree with op, Mrs hb is a great cook, she's funny, intelligent,has a sense of humor, has great curves in all the right places, doesn't need to trowel on makeup to look good, produces great children, let's me more or less do what I want when I want, and in return for this lovely treat of eye candy and democracy all I have to do is buy 'stuff' when she wants it, replace items (even if there relatively new )when she's bored or changing paint schemes, agree with her even when she's wrong defend her even when she's wrong and listen(or pretend to ) to her when she's at a emotional or sensitive point, and walk aimlessly around shops window shopping only to return to the first shop and make purchases,ty woman kind and Mrs hb.