Hello Mods. I would like to see the player TERRA silenced forever just because they deserve it. There is no reason for them to be perm silenced, just the simple facts that you mods are little kids. Prove me wrong mods? You have never done anything to "help" any players out other then silence them. Sp "help" Kaw out by perm silencing TERRA. Have a good day
These are the worthless spam threads they lock all the time. Good job not having a reason, other than "prove it."
If you feel a player deserves to be silenced due to any actions you feel are violating KaWs Terms of Use or Rules of Conduct, then I encourage you to email support@athinkingape.com with any evidence you have to support your case. As far as mods acting like little kids and not doing anything to help, please read above and email support@athinkingape.com Ps. I know you are but what am I.