Look, of the OP puts down one line, or in some cases, one word. It deserves a lock. If the OP actually wanted a discussion they would put their own opinion into it. Let's make an example Low effort Thread Title:Cars What kind of cars do u like Not a bad topic... open ended, could easily take off and get 50+ posts in the next 24 hours. High effort Thread Title: Cars Hey forums, I was just thinking about buying a new car, and I had some ideas in mind. I was thinking of going with the Toyota Corolla, but my friends think I should get the Mitsubishi Lancer. What would you guys pick and why? Or is there a different option that would make sense- I'm not able to buy a Ferrari or anything over $50k so forget that! Now, Interestingly enough, this thread is far more close ended. We have a specific set of rules to abide by, but at the same time, this thread will appeal to 95% of players because they are in or have been in similar positions. This gives the posters a much greater wealth of knowledge to draw up on and create meaningful answers, and will no doubt spark a discussion amount people who own cars about which middle class vehicle is the best suited. In a case like this, they will get 50+ posts in 2 hours. So even if low effort threads can be more open ended, that creates so much variability that people just throw out their own opinion about a fantasy car they'll never have(which is fine) and never actually have a discussion. Most of the time, by narrowing the topic, more discussion is generated.
Or Delphin, you lock that low quality thread, drive away a new forumer - kill what would have been a harmless, active topic - and at the same time lower forum activity, instead of improving it. Your theory is the logical one and is, in theory what we all want to happen. However it is often not the case.
Most mods that dabble in forums are indeed tools. Even the way they lock threads is low effort...but yeah chaos is a turd sandwich.
I actually think the first "low effort" and more open ended topic here would generate more conversation and in depth discussion here. All you would need if a couple of car fans to enter and engage freely there. Whereas the second topic would be limited discussion at best and dwindle off much faster.
It's against tou to do a thread asking for support to become a mod. Or have someone do it for you. Whether you like the rules or not you accept and agree to abide by them as do all players when using kaw and its forums. The thread whether serious or not was requesting support for a player to gain position of mod. Or flaming said player. Whether you think one way or the other both breach tou and chaos was well within his rights as a moderator to lock the thread. As any mod would have been and should have. In my experience chaos has been one if the fairest mods there is. Even when he locks my threads So get over it. By the way. You could say this thread breaches tou for complaining about a legitimate lock and for flaming a player ( moderator or not isn't relevant ).
No support to OP. This is the same noob that goes around and talks crap all over the forums. I agree with Chaos. If Terra wants to be a mod, go and apply. No need to pollute the forums with that crap.
If you can afford the Corolla Sport edition, I suggest you go for it. It's a very reliable car with great acceleration with comfort. Follow the maintenance schedule and you could easily hit 400K Unless you trade it in, which it's pretty good at retaining re sale value
What ?.......some people would call posting 50 girl gifs a day (not me) or like when u went thread crazy about how good u were during asw (me)....polluting the AT board.....but that's the beauty of freedom of speech. I'm not a fan of anarchy as much as u are however on this issue he's 100% on the money
It asked others to go fill WC with the #terra4mod thing. I remember a few years back someone asked people to go mass message wc with something and they were perm banned from forum for it.