Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by CharIie, Dec 26, 2015.

  1. Both upgrades unlocked the mage and alchemist, what would the other 4 levels unlock OP?
  2. 3T and then 5-6T seem more reasonable.
  3. Nice, I'll change them in main post , thanks v :)
  4. I think changing it to 12hl,
    Would be better.
    25hl. - 10-25% plunder boost
    25hf - 50%less chance to fail in the mage
    25abyss -Special LC ring (2.5-10% stay boost) And 50-100% more eb item (for example equip/scrolls/banner materials drops (not event items though)
  5. U mean perm plunder boost?
  6. I don't see any need for a large CS boost. Features like a % decrease in enchant fails or % increase in drops would be more beneficial.
  7. Just message Swabia and get the castle code. Damn noobs.
  8. Support
  9. Yes i agree but i dont think the devs would implicate them extra bonus'. But we can always hope and dream! Haha
  10. If you already have 25 abyss lands, do you really still use EB items?
  11. We should be able to put one castle in each land, and add more levels with those prices
  12. Support
  13. I thought about it but I don't think the devs would implement it so I think it would be unlikely
  14. Do you want the code?
  15. I actually requested new castle upgrade, with ability to bank gold with less % loss. This could be used for richer clan structure as well if it involves a clan bank you can transfer to 
  16. If you already have 25 abyss lands, do you really need a large CS boost? :lol:

    My point was other features could be introduced rather than solely a CS booster.