I think changing it to 12hl, 25hl, 25hf, 25abyss Would be better. Where: 25hl. - 10-25% plunder boost 25hf - 50%less chance to fail in the mage 25abyss -Special LC ring (2.5-10% stay boost) And 50-100% more eb item (for example equip/scrolls/banner materials drops (not event items though)
I don't see any need for a large CS boost. Features like a % decrease in enchant fails or % increase in drops would be more beneficial.
Yes i agree but i dont think the devs would implicate them extra bonus'. But we can always hope and dream! Haha
I actually requested new castle upgrade, with ability to bank gold with less % loss. This could be used for richer clan structure as well if it involves a clan bank you can transfer to
If you already have 25 abyss lands, do you really need a large CS boost? :lol: My point was other features could be introduced rather than solely a CS booster.