Rate That Build

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by ProviingAPoint, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. 4/10 Need a bit more sdt and adt.
  2. 6 Hansel.... Look like hulk with scrawny lil legs
  3. Whats 9 + 10
  4. Lel just joking...... 21!!
  5. I'm getting pretty good at BB codes now.
  6. Over 9000!!!!

    Jk. 3.
  7. I like it. But need the BFA to really make it badsss.

  8. I R8 8/8 while I master B8 but m8 you need some adt
  9. 6/10, solid build
  10. 4 need some spy towers
  11. 0

    Again I recommend upgrading.