Changeable Clan Names.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IllIAnoIIIlnymllIlouslIIl, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. If you don't have the experience, maturity, intelligence, or foresight to name your clan right or use the correct spelling, you shouldn't be making clans in the first place.
    It's bad enough you're playing KaW and we have to deal with you that way.
  2. Support
  3. 25b is nothing big people get that in 1 unload this is a stupid idea. And 1-5b to change clan name? More like 500b if this ever was to be brought into kaw
  4. He just wanted it to suit him lol
  5. During an event? I made an account and in less than a week I found that account having 100 bill out
  6. I don't know if someone's already said this, but this post was made before, but as I recall, just have 25b out then email the devs and ask for a name change for your clan.
    I'm not sure if the devs still do this though, as the last time I read a post like this was over 8 months ago.
  7. Fluffles, you're an experienced player (I think :roll: ) and you knew what to do from day one, people like him maybe when they first started didn't know what to do/didn't know what to build and they wouldn't get into the game as easily.
  8. 500b to create clan, 250b to change name
  9. No support

    But I do support a raise in the cost of creating a clan

    Also Maybe be able to pay like 100 nobs for 10 extra clan roster spots (one time only)
  10. We use to have changeable clan names, then they changed that.
  11. If you can't pay 25b to rename by making a new one, you shouldn't own a clan.
  12. For once this noob is right.
  13. You spelled Brandon wrong
  14. You're wrong, Brandan & Brandon is spelt many different ways.

    Brandan, Brandon, Brendan, Brendon and many other ways.
  15. Brandon can be spelled many different ways... Most likely "Brandon" though.