KaW Addiction How do you know if you're addicted to KaW?? you check KaW more than you check up on your kids You spend money on KaW on a regular basis you know you should be doing something else but instead you're reading this You stay up late to play KaW . . . Questions! 1)How else do you know if you're addicted to KaW?? 2)What makes YOU addicted??? IS IT....... CC? WC? The lady you see when you open KaW?? War?!?! Your allies? lets hear your thoughts️️️ -Rat
I'm a forums addict. So many interesting characters. It's like a mini GoT but minus Emilia Clarke. I have recently started to war. Indis and ll. Still a noob but I'm learning.
I am not addicted and can quit whenever I like. On another note, any clans doing scrag ebs after this event?