Pipe's Pimd Adventure

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Dec 19, 2015.

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  1. pimd's got better trolls though, it makes it more fun and interesting.
  2. Trolls?

  3. You're so right about Omar, yet no one points out that he's farming posts count.
  4. nah i've noticed that most rp'ers on pimd have a bad imagination and vocabulary so that's a no no
  5. And as much as I really dislike rp, I disagree with monitoring cc. Clubs and clans self monitor. That's what owner and admins are for. If you don't agree with their rules, leave and never rejoin. Simply as that. And if you find an underage/someone requesting underages running out there and get proof or evidence, email support!
  6. Isn't PIMD that game that failed?
  7. If it had failed it wouldn't be up and running wild with crusaders, normal players, and rp'ers now would it? :roll:
  8. I saw you :)
    You must be thinking of GaW
  9. Pipebomb you are in fact

    A NOOB
  10. Ok. Yes I'm a noob. Now please explain to me how that effects my capacity to be entertaining and play this game.
  11. Because you are a noob...what other reason do i need? Noob
  12. Ok Mr Hardcore 1 year player; kindly leave my thread.
  13. No he's gonna stay cause you're...
    A NOOB!!!
  14. ^Star Trek? Seriously?
    This thread must be turning into Comic Con. I guess we're gonna have fans of Marvel, MLP, and anime coming soon.
  15. Fans of huge franchises are 'bad' good job there. Now kindly leave my thread or you will be removed.
  16. I see you like kicking everyone off your thread :(
    Ahhh without people what would the world be?
  17. empty :lol:
  18. -V- bby come over and join the crusade . I need you there !!
  19. Star Tre... What the fu... What the... Can you believe this joker?
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