Yup. I will vote for any republican canidate in the race as opposed to hillary, this country cannot withstand another term like obamas and hillary will be more of the same but worse. She shouldnt be allowed to run if not being criminally charged for the things she's done. But when your a clinton its ok I guess. Shes been tye worst secretary of state we've probably ever had, and people actually think she will be a good president?
Personal attacks and hatred are the most substantive complaints republicans have against Hillary. She will be the next American President, and she will be great.
I dont think Trump has really told the people how he will make America great again. Maybe he needs to be asked about his plans. Right now he gets away by insulting and alienating people who dare having a different opinion. What i like about previous presidents like reagan and kennedy were that they behaved in a way that the rest of the world look up to America as the leader of the free world and the defender of human rights. I dont think trump fits the description
This...i was almost on board with him for a while but it seems like he just dosnt take it serious, he seems like he's on another reality show instead of running for pres... There are a few things I like that he has said, for instance his proposal to stop jobs from leaving the US..he said he can't stop them from leaving but he can impose such a high tax on the goods they try to import back into america that its not worth it to move....this is very important as ford and nabisco are now building new plants in mexico....We cannot keep losing jobs like that
Umm.... I would say Obama's term was a little bit better than Bush's term. Republican economic platform is basically the same as it was before the crash. Republican candidates believe that by making corporations even more powerful than they currently are, that that is somehow going to make everything better. Why? Because they're paid off by special interests. Clinton is at least proposing ways to help the poor and the middle class. I would prefer Sanders over all candidates, but if it came down to Clinton vs. Republicans I'd still be against republicans
The difference is that President Bush took office with a booming economy and a projected budget surplus from President Clinton. President Obama inherited a depression, outrageous deficits, two unpaid for wars, and an economic meltdown from President Bush.
Obama promised this and that but after being elected basically followed the same agenda bush had with both the meltdown and the wars. It's been mentioned before but honestly there's not much difference between the left and the right here. We have moderate conservatives and further leaning right ...there's no real "liberal" faction to our govt that would provide checks and balances. Clinton was an undercover Republican too.
The Saga continues He said something about Hilary this time. It's going to be 4 years if embarrassment no matter who wins. In Canada you talk smack you empower the competition. Our PM swept The country, he's a doll and heart felt. Tonight he asked us to help the refugees settle and make Canada a warm home.
I assume Canada works different than other places then, in other countries smack talk can make you more popular with voters.
Lol at David Cameron attempting smack talk. 'Uh uh uh uh and then, ha ha, he realised he had forgotten to order the caviar, the nonce!!! Uh huh hah ha' Yeah... Lol
David Cameron is an idiot tho. Nigel Farage, Bonar Law, Ian Paisley and Edward Carson. Just to name a few in British politics who used smack talk to increase their popularity, I can't name any American ones of the top of my head because American politics is a lot more boring.
Yes when its not polarized politics the 3 bigger parties actually hunt votes on their platform. The outgoing Consertavite Party mocked Trudeaus' Liberal Party to no avail n were getting ousted anyways. The NDP Party r historically left of centre n can cause a minority govt at best. Ppl tired of Harpers right wing govt n settled for a better overall party to move us forward. When polarized its more of mudslinging like the US but usually during provincial elections. Federally it can be all over the map. America has little or no experience other than right wing governing. At one time the Democrats were considered somewhat right of centre but now they r coined as Liberals.
The question of the time is WHY do Democratic leaders want to increase our danger from Islamic terrorists? From Nigeria to Egypt, from Iraq to Israel, from Mali to Paris, Islamic terrorist groups are massacring innocent people. FACT: HUGE % of worldwide Muslims support violent jihad https://youtu.be/pSPvnFDDQHk. They ALL do so in the name of Islam. Hillary and Obama LIE when they say this terrorism has no ties to islam. 1. Not all Muslims are currently radical Islamic terrorists, but 99% of world terrorists are Muslim. But we cannot know because a. Islam allows LYING to advance the cause and b. there are many stages of jihad, including waiting and blending in until there is enough Muslim power to conquest. 2. Islam’s GOAl is complete domination and forcing shariah. Bernard Lewis is regarded as the West's leading scholars of that religion, views Christendom and Islam as civilizations that have been in perpetual collision since the advent of Islam in the 7th century. He argues the struggle between the West and Islam was gathering strength. He also believes mutual assured destruction is not an effective deterrent in the case of Iran, because of what Lewis describes as the Iranian leadership's "apocalyptic worldview" and the "suicide or martyrdom complex that plagues parts of the Islamic world today. The Qu'ran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/quran ... nce.htm.... 3. USA CURRENT Muslims: 25% admit to supporting radical violent jihad for any insult to Islam and 51% admit to wanting shariah to replace the Constitution, which is sedition. There have been dozens of Islamic jihadist terror events in USA since 9-11 http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages ... ttacks.htm Obama is LYING when he claims 99.9% Muslims want what we want. 4. Obama has allowed in 1.5 million more Muslims since his term started. 5. Now Dems want 200,000 Syrian refugees to come. A. why are 0 Muslim nations taking any? What do they know the Dems do not? b. 80% of the refugees are military age men c. Islamic jihad calls for jihad through immigration d. 13% ADMIt to supporting Isis e. ALL of our intelligence agencies say we cannot VET them. F. San Baradino killer was vetted. The Syrian refugees in Europe have led to massive increase in crime, rapes, welfare, 6. All Dem leaders deny Islamic terrorism is related to Islam and make fun of legitimate terror concerns https://www.commentarymagazine.com/.../isis-terror... Obama: WORKPLACE VIOLENCE & lack of GUN CONTROL Hillary: LACK OF LOVE: When asked how the country could confront a new wave of hate and fear, Hillary’s response. "We've got to do everything we can to weed out hate and plant love and kindness," she told a crowd of several hundred. http://hosted.ap.org/.../US_DEM_2016_CL ... VE_AND...- Bernie: CLIMATE CHANGE JOBS:-Other Democrats say Muslims kill us because they need jobs. Bin laden needed a job? He was a billionaire.... 5. Why do the Democrats excuse Islam from terrorism? A. 80% Muslims vote Democratic. B. Hillary foundation has taken many millions from Jihadist nations and groups and her top aid for decades, comes from Muslim Brotherhood family. http://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/ ... qatar-iran C. Obama and Hillary aid and abet Muslim terror. Read these 280 examples of Obama promoting Islamic jihad and ask yourself how can this be. http://strongandresolute.blogspot.com/2 ... mples.html Hillary http://strongandresolute.blogspot.com/2 ... y-pro.html Our Democratic Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, who has deep Muslim connections from her days at Harvard, now threatens to prosecute anyone who tells the truth about Islam. http://freedomoutpost.com/…/loretta-lynchs-pro-muslim-rhet…/. Democrats endanger us. Save USA and world? Elect a Republican president. That is our only chance.