Is all kotfe such whiny negative panzies? Lol all I see from them in forums is negativity....kinda miss zaft running things
See this Kaw_com? Do it or riot \/ Edit: I'm incredibly pleased the kappa worked. But still, do it Kaw_com. Call Disney immediately. Just completely change the Kaw UI. Nao.
Ah come now...this is ata were talking about, if it did take off it would take at bare minimum a law suit before they'd cough up any profits for the idea lol
Similar kind of game is already there from Disney in starwars theme. Its more like coc.players can choose empire side or tribal side & attack eachother.
Yes its totally different But for a new game simillar kind of approach is required. If you see new game from ATA itself the UI design is totally different from the existing games. And people love to actually see their attacks.
If you think Disney would sell the rights to a Star Wars app to anyone, let alone a halfwitted group of Devs like ATA, you must be smoking crack. Come on, man!
With LucasArts being sold to Disney, I dont expect any old school rpg games to surface again. Back in the 90's we had great star wars games. Now they're all crummy looting/button masher games