Fluffles all I will say is that every child is unique. It's the job if a parent to know how their child will respond to a given situation. Your mother knew what would work for you and that's great to see. Others would not respond well to that reverse psychology. All a parent can do is do their best with the understanding of how their child will react and the best intention. But it's extremely complex and I certainly would not use that approach with my children, but nor would I limit certain information due to drugs being available on rare occasions in this town. Largely courtesy of some parents. But regardless slayerbob. I just don't know how impressed I am. You are either totally mad or very dedicated. Probably both. But congratulations on such an odd achievement. I think
Who's worse, the plonker or the idiot who obsesses over the plonker? You can stop derailing this thread now and take your usual cries for attention to my wall or pm.
What's the purpose of this thread? Lol U can't derail something that is not going anywhere to begin with
Continuing to post on a thread when the op asked you to leave can get you a forum ban. Some time without you on forums would be nice
Actually -v- the plonker hasn't posted one comment in relation to the thread and yet calls out others for de-railing. The a bit odd. Funny -v- spends a ton of real dollars so he can chase people around forums.
I actually spend little money on kaw, and yes I post in forums didn't know you could be to big for forums? Maybe that's why you build drop? Again you can take your attention seeking to my wall and stop derailing the thread.
Excuse me plonker .Can you maybe post just one time relating to the topic instead of De-railing this one. It's not always about you -v-
The op has viewed my posts as on topic so all good, wanna stop obsessing over me now and for the last time I'm gonna say take your attention seeking to my wall and only discuss the topic.
Just seems like you start quoting other people off topic then claim they obsess over you, when clearly the blame lies with you plonker.
Nope only you cause of your desperate attempts to get my attention constantly, you've become so irrelevant than you make Swabia look relevant. That's bad bruh, now run along and stop trying to get attention.