Holidays in Australia!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rikkimaru, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. It's the next couple of days after that are getting nasty and this is just the start of our summer. Its not the kind of heat you can function outdoors in.
  2. Ahhhh holidays in Australia where you get so hot you don't wanna do nothing XD

    Gotta love those spiders that comes at ya lol.
  3. Bondi beach mate
  4. It's not the spiders you have to worry's the Drop Bears...
  5. And hoop snakes
  6. Isn't Australia that place on earth where is dust, a few kangaroos and once a year a tennis gran slam?
  7. 25°C in Capetown 
    Ideal for a Christmas braai and cold Sauvignon Blanc.

    I still prefer a hot sunny Aussie Christmas to a cold, wet and dark european one. That lack of light and drizzle just drives me nuts.
  8. I cannot count the times that water pipes have busted simply because of the hot/cold changes.

    I think this state has hot flashes.
  9. ...don't forget the racism 
  10. Those spiders. Ill tell you exactly where they can go. Just had a shower. Got a fresh towel out. Half way through drying i saw a spider bigger than my hand on the other side. Once i killed it. I had to shower again to clean myself from the scare
  11. No one cares about you SassySuckAss ...we all hope you fry before you make another thread.
  12. Toddstillluvsenemas
  13. #Sasukeforbanned
  14. Quickly, he has contracted the rage virus!
  15. It's not a "Rage Virus" it's a ...."I hate reading crappy pseudo intellectual (what a joke) BS threads written by some short bus window licking pinhead rage", & it hasn't developed quickly. The 1st, and every thread afterwards, the idiot has written has been crap.
  16. I'd be mad too if I was kicked off one of the most popular threads that had nearly 100 notable forumers on it (not including yourself)


    rekt :lol:
  17. -3°c or 27°f here now gonna get up to 35°f for the high in 5 days with rain... so Arizona is definitely not the coldest state... I HATE COLD! DAMN MITTEN STATE!