Rate That Build

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by ProviingAPoint, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. 1 cause I'm jealous 
  2. 7 its not the size of the wand its the wizard behind it
  3. Cool thread, me?
  4. @redwhiteandroyalblue: 10
  5. Pls gimme advice ;-;
  6. 1, has no stables
  7. Less attack more spy
  8. Don't listen to this guy he gives bad advice
  9. Good bank farmer.
    10. Serves a purpose.
  10. 10 because stats are huge and I know nothing about builds
  11. 8/10 Looks good,Need a bit more sdt.
  12. Need more sdt ^ :roll: 7/10
  13. 9/10 More Bfa Would be awesome.