EB actives on Apple devices.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Kalashnikov, Dec 11, 2015.

  1. Not even kindle has that feature T_T
  2. Stupid edit and moronic answer
  3. The Sasuke should get the better and far more superior device, Apple
  4. Are u even surprised at this ??
  5. You can spam pots in ebs faster, don't complain.

  6. This edit makes no sense, you previous comment didn't made any sense. Please DON'T post on my thread if you're not contributing in any way. Gives positive or negative feedback but not this crap please. Ty

    So, EB actives is not the only thing that's unfair between devices, i see you guys got more things.

    Looks like devs not going to give us answers ๎Ž
  7. I believe OP lives above the poverty line, but good try.
  8. I think you're going too far if you buy a device just for KaW. I could buy plenty of androids, but that's something i will never do. We spend enough on this game already, if i speak for myself.
  9. Bump. ๎–
  10. :lol:
  11. As someone that has both an iPhone and android device, I prefer playing on my iPhone account a lot more but do recall going to the tablet to check activity so support๎€Ž
  12. You can see actives on both devices...
  14. I can't.
  15. Bump for support ๎„

  16. Actives in other clans. You can not on iDevice.
  17. Questions how your even a mod. Anyway when pc version came out Devs said they were gonna leave advantages for pc and disadvantages of pc same with iphones however since then they adopted android im guessing they kept that same game plan.
  18. Agreed. Even if they don't look exactly the same, they should at least have the same features.

    I especially hate how on android if you're looking at CR or eb history or something of the like and click on a profile then go back to CR/history etc. it 'resets' and takes you back to the beginning. It's really irritating, especially when having to update titles and wall the whole clan. Irritating for me at least anyway. :roll: :lol: