"White" cop points gun at Black mans head!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Titanium-J, Dec 10, 2015.

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  1. Nathan did you read a word I wrote of course they are controlled . Please state the not so obvious. It's painful for me .
  2. Deleted as I realized my insanity for posting on the forums!
  3. A victim is a victim. Whether it is 1 or 1 million
  4. Deleted as I realized my insanity for posting on the forums!
  5. That is true but u can't deny the fact that blacks are targeted 12 times more by police and if you don't agree with that u are a racist or simply ignorant..
  6. Why do you care if black people are discriminated against "12 times more" than whomever you want to go along with your made up statistic, I thought you were a buff/jailbird/McD worker/ tall guy who is Mexican and dislikes the blacks hitting on white women?
  7. So few white victims... This guy... I need a break. Anybody have some bleach I can drink to cleanse my brain?
  8. Of course this is an isolated incident.Someone wants to play the race card again...
  9. Deleted as I realized my insanity for posting on the forums!
  10. A black cop shot white Hans Gruber in Die Hard
  11. Sorry what the hell was I thinking posting on the forums on a 9+ game.
  12. You should think before posting here, just like you should post some sources to back up your "answer" besides expecting everyone to take you at face value, then throw a little hissy fit when people point out the flaw in it.
  13. Care to show me where your magic number came from? I'm neither racist or ignorant. I see it for what it is. Everyone is discriminated agaisnt and that's all that matters. Let's fix it all instead of focusing on one group. Everyone's life matters. Except for the dodo's that blow themselves up.
  14. So we go from "American" to "white".

    Who the hell cares what color anyone is.

    By posting this garbage on a 9 plus game forum you're almost as bad as the media trying to sensationalize and over dramatize everything.

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